Training - NR

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REQUESTED BY: Romanoffs_daughter

WARNINGS: overworked and injury

AGE: 11



"Momma can you start to train me please?, I wanna be just like you and join the Avengers when I'm older"Y/N begs me as she stands in front of my desk in my office.

I sigh and look at her with the look which she knows very well, she sighs and goes to walk out of the door.

"You can start to train as long as I am with you, you are not no matter what allowed to train by yourself"I say and she turns around and nods her head and she hugs me and thanks me before leaving the room.

She leave the room and I hear a little squeal after she closes the door and her footsteps pattering down the stairs as she shouts 'Aunt Lena'.

I laugh and lean back in my chair and start to finish my email to Fury about my last mission.


I have been training Y/N for about 1 month now and she is getting really good at it, she reminds me of me when I was younger but happier and less robotic.

She has been doing ballet since she was 2 years old so we work on that some days as well because I am training her like I was trained when I was younger but less harsh and strict.

"You need to fix your form when you punch okay?"I say straightening her back slightly and she nods her head and goes to punch the punching bag again.

She gets it perfectly and I smile at her.

"Good job honey, you are doing great"I say as I high five her and she smiles and hugs me.

"Thanks momma"She says as she pulls away and we run some laps around the training room to cool off.

2 months later

"Y/N stop doing the kick like that, if you do it like that you will break your fucking foot, I have told you multiple times and you haven't fixed it"I shout at her and she flinched and looks down.


My mom has been training me for about 3 months now, for the first month she was soft on me, we only trained for a hour and then the 2nd month she got harsher and started to shout at me which I didn't mind because I know she can get stressed easily but the 3rd month is a different story, I train from 5am - 10am, I am exhausted.

She has been so much harsher on me than before and she is starting to scare me, I haven't had a proper conversation with my mom in a month because she is always mad at me for getting something wrong in training, once she raised her hand to hit me but ended up picking up my water bottle and throwing it across the room, I am genuinely scared of my mom.

I keep getting this one kick wrong and have been getting it wrong the whole training session and it is now 7am, she won't show me how to do it properly so how the fuck am I supposed to do it right, she is constantly shouting at me that I'll break my foot the way I'm doing it but I don't know what other way to do it.

"Right fuck this, go and have a shower I'm done with you today"My mom says annoyed and I nod my head and walk out of the room to my room and get into the shower and sob my heart out hoping no one can hear me.


"Natasha I know you just want the best for Y/N but you are being too hard on her"Steve tells me and I look at him shocked, "I'm not being too hard on her, she needs to learn how to protect herself so I am helping her, she is almost 12 if I was being too hard on her she would have just told me to fuck off and walked away but she hasn't so she is doing fine and I'm not being to hard on my daughter, I am teaching her stuff I was taught when I was younger"I say before leaving the room.

Why do they think I'm being too hard on her, she is fine and I'm fine she needs to learn how to protect herself especially with the amount of enemy's I have out there.


Y/N's POV:

Mom woke me up at 4:30am to get ready for training, I sigh and roll out of my bed and crawl to my closet to get some workout clothes out, I get changed on the floor and finally wake up enough to go downstairs.

I grab my water bottle and walk downstairs to the kitchen where I see mom and Aunt Yelena standing, mom comes over and takes my water bottle off me and goes to fill it up.

"Aunt Lena!"I say as she run to her and hug her, she has been on a mission so I haven't seen her in a while, "Hey my little peanut, how's training been going with your mom?"She asks me and I sigh before answering her.

"It's been good, I am doing a new kick and I haven't been able to get it right, I really am determined to get it right today"I say and she nods and she rubs my back before mom tells me that we have to go to the training and I sigh and nod before all three of us walk to the training room.

"Seriously Y/N you still haven't gotten this kick right, we have been doing it for two training sessions now and you still haven't gotten it right!"Mom screams at me and I flinch but somehow I have the confidence to shout back at her.

"I know I haven't fucking got it right because you haven't fucking shown me how to do it, you constantly shout at me and I'm exhausted!"I scream back and I kick the punching bag in anger and hear a snap.

"Momma!"I scream in pain and both mom and Aunt Lena come running to me, Aunt Lena hugs me as mom checks my foot and I hear her hiss as she looks at it.

"I fucking told you, you would break your foot!"I hear mom mumble making me get angry again.

"You seriously want to give out to me when I am laying her in agonising pain with a foot that's bent the wrong fucking way!"I scream at her making her and Aunt Lena stop and look at me.

"Come on let's go to med bay"Aunt Lena says and she lifts me up and brings me to med bay with mom close behind.

"That looks like a nasty break, it will take at least 6 months to heal and maybe even 7 for it to fully heal"Tony says as him and Bruce examine my foot.

"We are just going to put a cast on it okay Y/N?"Bruce says and I nod my head while tears stream down my face, I look out of the window to see mom and Aunt Lena talking outside and it looks like Aunt Lena is giving out to mom.

Just then they part ways and my mom walk in, "Hey Tony and Bruce could I talk to Y/N alone after you finish with the cast"My mom asks and they both nod, they finish putting the cast on and then leave the room.

"Look momma, I'm sorry, I should've listened to you, I'm-"I say but I am cut off by my mom.

"No listen to me, I am so sorry for pushing you that hard, I never meant to hurt you or exhaust you. I guess I get caught up in my old habits and didn't think about you, I just thought of how to make the perfect assassin but you aren't an assassin you are my beautiful baby girl, from now on you will be training 3 times a week for 1 hour at whatever time suits us which will probably most likely be around 8am - 9am but on weekends it will be a bit later but that won't be happening until you are fully healed and I mean fully healed"My mom says as tears fall down her own cheeks as well as mine, I open my arms for her and we both share a hug for a long time.


Yelena made me realise I was being way too harsh on Y/N and I need to talk with her so that's what I did and now she is fast asleep in my arms as we cuddle on the hospital bed.

I decide to bring her upstairs to my bed as she needs to be comfortable, I slowly slip her out of my arms and get off the bed before lifting her up and carrying her upstairs and to my bedroom passing Yelena on the way who smiles at me and Y/N.

"Have a good sleep baby, momma's here"I whisper as I lay down and she snuggles up to me and we both sleep in my bed until around 2pm which is much needed sleep.

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