School Visit - NR

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REQUESTED BY: KailynStrickland

AGE: 8



I am a foster child, I live with my foster mom and dad at the moment. I have been brought to many houses and then been brought back after a few weeks but this house has kept me for about 2 months now which makes me very happy.

Today in school we have to bring a drawing in of our favourite superhero and stand in front of the whole class and present why you love that superhero so much.

I drew my all time favourite superhero which is Black Widow, I love her so much and I really hope to meet her one day or be rescued by her.

I walk into class and greet my teacher who greets me back before I walk off and head to the back of the room, there is only three seats in the back of the room and I'm the only one who sits there.

Everyone sits down and gets their drawings out and lays them on their desks, the teacher walks around and looks at all of our drawings and smiles when she sees mine.

"Okay class before we start today, we have a couple of visitors that will be joining us for the day, here is Black Widow and Hawkeye"The teacher says as the door opens revealing the one and only Black Widow and Hawkeye.

I gasp and slap my hand over my mouth smiling widely, I get to meet my favourite superhero.

"Hello everyone, I'm Natasha Romanoff but most of you would know me as Black Widow"Black Widow introduces herself, wow her real name is really pretty and unique I've never heard a name like that before.

"Hello everyone, My name is Clint Barton but you all probably know me as Hawkeye"Hawkeye introduces himself, Clint suits him, I feel like he looks like a Clint.

"Thank you Ms. Romanoff and Mr. Barton, you two can take a seat down the back at the two free seats beside Y/N"The teacher and my eyes go wide with a massive smile on my face.

They both sit down and I stare at Black Widow as she sits right beside me and she caught me and looked at me and smiled me and waved at me.

I smile and blush before turning away from her hearing a chuckle from her.

"Okay I think we should start the presentations now, could we maybe start with Y/N?"She asks and I nod my head and stand up walking up to the front of the class room.

"Hi so I did my presentation on Black Widow, here is my drawing, she is my favourite superhero because she never loses a fight, she may not get it the first time but she keeps on going until she eventually gets the bad guys away. She is beautiful and I love when I get to see her on the news. I really hope she could rescue me from something like aliens one day because that would so cool."I say and I continue on until one of the boys starts to speak over me.

"Girls can't be superheroes"He says and I look at him with a confused face.

"Uhh yea they can, I mean there is one at the back of the classroom"I say as I hold me hand out pointing to Black Widow.

"Yea Hawkeye is a superhero but Black Widow isn't, my mom calls her a murderer because she kills people and she was trained to kill people not rescue them, she won't rescue you she will just kill you instead"He says making me tear up.

"That's not fair on Y/N now, Black Widow is her favourite superhero Jacob, you can't be saying stuff like that, if she thinks she's a superhero then let her be and don't use murderer in my class again"The teacher says firmly and nods for me to keep going but I just shake my head and look down.

"I'm finished"I mumble and walk back to my seat and sit there with a pout on my face and arms crossed slouching in my chair.

I feel tears falling down my cheeks until I'm in a full sob session in the middle of class, I keep quiet though so no one notices.

"Hey detka, you okay?"Black Widow asks me, I nod my head and keep looking down until I let out a little sob.

"Come on let's go out of the class for a minute"She says before taking my hand letting the teacher know I just need a minute outside.

"Hey you're okay, don't listen to that boy, I think your presentation was amazing, I think your drawing is even better than his"She says and I look at her with tears falling from my eyes.

When I look into her eyes I start to have a full loud sob session in front of my favourite superhero.

She crouches down and hugs me tightly, I cry into her shoulder and catch my breathe.

"I wanna go home"I whisper through cries and hiccups.

"Okay come on let's go and ring home then"She says as she stands up and takes my hand and leads me to the principals office.

The principal rings my foster mom and says she will be here in a little bit, Black Widow goes to get my bag while we wait for her.

My foster mom comes and has a chat with Black Widow until she comes back into the room.

"Hey honey, Natasha over there as just agreed to adopting you if that's what you would like?"She says crouching down in front of my chair.

"Really?"I ask through my hiccups and she nods her head.

I get up and run to Natasha, I jump into her arms and she lifts me up with ease and hugs me tight.

"Thank you Natasha"I whisper to her.

"No problem detka"She whispers back to me.

She signs the papers and we go to her car to head to her house.

She brings me home to the Avengers Tower and brings me up to her bed room.

"I think we should watch some movies"Natasha says and I nod my head with a smile on my face.

"Yea!"I says happily and she nods a puts on Frozen and we lay in her bed, I'm snuggled up to her and she had her arm wrapped around my her hand in my hair.

Soon half way through the movie I start to get sleepy and Natasha notices that, she lifts me up onto her chest and rubs my back to make me fall asleep.

"I love you momma"I whisper to her before falling asleep but before I fall asleep I hear her whisper back.

"I love you too detka"

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