Seperation Anxiety - SJ

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AGE: 3



I have to go to England for 4 days to film which is okay for me and Colin but for Y/N it's a whole different story.

Y/N has severe separation anxiety and has been diagnosed with it since she was 2 years old, the doctor thinks it's because I go up film for long periods of time and leave Y/N with Colin and it obviously takes a toll on a toddler when their mother leaves for a long time.

I walk into Y/N's bedroom to wake her up as it is quite early in the morning and she hasn't woken up yet.

I see her cuddled up to her teddy bear fast asleep making me smile at her, she is the cutest little girl ever.

I kneel down beside her bed and start to stroke her cheek to wake her up.

"Wake up baby, it's time to say goodbye to mama"I whisper and she opens her eyes slowly and lifts her arms up for me to lift her up.

I gently put my hands under her armpits and lift her up while standing up myself, she lays her head on my chest and I rub her back to wake her up slightly.

"Come on let's get you to the potty before we go down to dada"I say as I walk into the bathroom and sit her on the potty.

She does her business and I help her wipe and wash her hands and then we head downstairs to where Colin is sat drinking his coffee.

"Hey baby, did you have a good a sleep?"Colin asks as he takes Y/N out of my arms and she nods and yawns making a squeaky noise making me and Colin smile at her.

"I'm just going to finish my coffee and then I'll head to the airport"I say and Y/N looks up confused.

"Where are we going mama?"She asks me making me frown slightly, she is such a clueless little girl.

"We aren't going anywhere honey, it's just me"I say and she frowns and reaches to me.

"Why are you leaving mama?"She asks me with tears building up in her eyes as I bring her onto my lap.

"I have to go to England to film for my new movie"I say and she wraps her arms around my neck trying to hold onto me so I don't leave.

"No mama, stay"She whispers as she starts to cry into my neck, I sigh and hold her tight and rub her back to calm her down as I drink the rest of my coffee so I can leave.

I already put my bag into the car so I wouldn't have to worry about it while I try to leave without making Y/N too upset.

"Okay I have to go now Colin"I say as I put my cup into the sink with Y/N on my hip.

"Okay Y/N honey say goodbye to mama"Colin says as he rubs her back and she bursts out into tears clinging onto my t-shirt.

"I'll be back on Friday baby, don't cry honey"I say as I hug her for a little while until I signal for Colin to take her, I kiss Colin and then wave to
Y/N who hasn't stopped crying and I shut the door behind me.

My poor baby, maybe next time I'll just take her with me.


"Shhh honey, mama will be back in a few days, it's okay"I try to reassure Y/N but she doesn't stop crying, she cries and screams for Scarlett non stop until she wears herself out and falls asleep in my arms when I get a call from Scarlett.

I answer and hold it up to my ear, "Hey babe, did you get to the airport okay?"I ask her and I hear her sigh.

"Yep I just got here, how is she?"She asks, I can hear the worry in her voice.

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