Bullied - SJ

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WARNING: bullying

AGE: 12



I walk down the hallway with my books for the first three classes in my arms, I don't walk with anyone as I don't have many friends and when I say don't have many I mean I don't have any at all.

I see Megan, Brittany and Jessica walking down the hallway in front of me with smirks on their faces.

They are the three girls that like the pick on me for 'pretending' that Scarlett Johansson is my mother, she actually is but no one believes me and think I'm just lying to get friends.

"Hey loser, is mommy not here to bring you to school?"Megan says frowning sarcastically at me, Brittany and Jessica start to giggle behind her.

"My mom didn't bring me to school because she had to go to set to film for her new upcoming movie"I say casually not trying to show off but I really just want them to leave me alone.

"You're mother isn't an actress, you probably don't have a mother because no one would want you as a daughter, you're a rat faced bitch that doesn't deserve anything but to die"Megan says getting in my face.

I feel tears brim my eyes as she says that to me.

"Go away Megan"I whisper trying to walk away from her but she slaps my books out of my hands and makes them fall to the floor.

"Awe is the little baby sad?"Megan says as I go to pick my books up off the floor, a circle of people are slowly forming around us.

"Megan please stop"I whisper but she just laughs and kicks me to the ground, I fall to the ground on my side and everyone starts to chant 'fight'.

I really don't want to get into a fight today.

"Megan just go away"I say as I try to get up off the ground but I'm pushed to the ground again then she gets on top of me and starts to punch me in the face, I try to block her blows but Brittany and Jessica hold my arms and legs down leaving Megan open to hurting me.

"Megan please stop!"I shout in pain as she continues punching, I think my nose is broken and my whole face hurts, she has blood all over her knuckles, she punches all down my body and the stands up and start to stomp on me and kick me.

"Megan Clarke, Brittany Morgan and Jessica Lauren get off of her now!"I hear someone shout and I try to look up but I feel too faint from the blood loss.

"I need all the students out of here, someone get the nurse and get the vice principal to call Y/N Johansson's mother"I hear the person say but then everything goes black.


I am just on set when Lizzie comes in with my phone saying that's it's Y/N's school calling me.

"Well this mustn't be good they never call me unless she's sick and that's rare"I say to her as I take the phone off her.

"Hello?"I say as I put the phone up to my ear.

"Hello am I speaking to Miss Johansson, Y/N Johansson's mother?"The woman on the phone asks me.

"Yes this is she, is everything okay?"I ask worried, this seems to be serious.

"Three girls that have seemed to be bullying Y/N have just beat her up and she is unconscious you need to get to the school as fast as you can"The woman says and I gasp as tears brim my eyes.

"I'll be there in 20 minutes, thank you for letting me know, if she wakes up and I'm not there let her know that I'm coming soon"I say as I hang up the phone.

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