Memories - NR

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REQUESTED BY: KailynStrickland

AGE: 8



I am sitting on the couch with my daughter as we watch a movie with the team and my family, she is cuddled up to my side and almost asleep, she always seems to fall asleep mid-movie.

"Natasha I have a question for you"Tony says as he turns to me, Steve pauses the movie and they all look at me and Y/N.

"What's your question Stark?"I ask and Y/N sits up and climbs onto my lap as she is now annoyed people decided to talk when she was falling asleep.

"How did you find Y/N?"He asks me suddenly and I just freeze, Yelena looks at him with a death stare and he puts his hands up in surrender, "What I was just asking!?!"He says defensively towards my sister.

"Yelena it's okay, they were going to find out soon enough"I reassure my sister and she nods her head, "When I was in the red room, I was walking down to the lab to collect something for Dreykov but for some reason he let me go alone when I saw a little baby girl laying on the table crying her eyes out so I decided to take her with me to my cell to keep her safe. I hid her until I eventually escaped when Y/N was one year old, we lived in a little cabin in Russia for around 2 months until I met Clint and then I moved to America with
Y/N"I explain to everyone, they all smile at me and I smile at them.

"I have pictures and videos if you want to see them?"I ask everyone and they all nod their heads, Clint stands up and gets the photo albums and the video tapes of Y/N as a baby.

Y/N wakes up and sits facing everyone but still on my lap, "What are we doing?"She asks tiredly leaning her back against my front with her head on my shoulder, "We are watching your baby videos and looking at your baby pictures"I say to her and she groans making me laugh slightly.

Clint passes the photo album around and everyone looks at the pictures of baby Y/N and then it is passed to me and Y/N.

"This is when you were so tired from not going asleep that night that you fell asleep in your pasta"I say pointing to the picture of Y/N asleep in her pasta when she was 2 years old.

"That's so weird"Y/N says laughing at her self, "This one is when I was giving you a bath and you kept saying "mama hair" so I decided to give you a mohawk with the bubble and shampoo from the bath"I say pointing at a picture of Y/N sitting in the bath smiling a little toothy smile with a soapy mohawk in her hair.

Y/N laughs at herself and we finish off the photo album and then move onto the videos, the first one is Y/N saying her first word.

"ты можешь сказать мама для меня, мама, мама (can you say mama for me, mama, mama)"I say in Russian in the video but there is subtitles that I added a few years ago.

"мама (mama)"Y/N struggles to get out but gets it out and you hear cheering in the video and some giggles.

The next one is when Y/N took her first steps when I was in a meeting.

Clint is holding the camera pointing it at Maria and Y/N, Maria puts Y/N on the ground and she helps her stand up.

Y/N starts to stumble but Maria helps her up, "мама (mama)"Y/N shouts and she starts to take her first steps, I turn around in the video and expect her to be carried or crawling, I kneel down and pick her up when she reaches me.

"молодец, мой маленький паучок, мама так тобой гордится (well done, my little baby spider, mama is so proud of you)"I say and kiss Y/N's little pink lips making her giggle and squeal when everyone in the meeting room starts to cheer for Y/N including her Grandpa Nick.

"Mama is that me?"Y/N asks pointing to the baby in the video, "Yep that's you мой маленький паучок (my little baby spider)"I say and kiss her temple and she smiles at me kisses my cheek.

I'm so glad that I found her when I did or else I wouldn't have the one thing that makes me whole and complete.

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