Sick - NR

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WARNING: throwing up

AGE: 5



Usually Y/N wakes up at 8am every morning but it is now 9am and she hasn't woken up, she only ever does this is she's sick.

"Hey Nat, where's Y/N?"Wanda asks as she walks into the kitchen where I am say drinking my morning coffee.

"She isn't awake yet, I should probably go and wake her up, I hope she isn't sick because she only ever sleeps in if she's sick"I say to Wanda as I stand up and put my empty cup of coffee into the dishwasher.

"I hope she's okay"Wanda says to me as I walk out of the room.

"Thanks Wans"I say as I close the kitchen door behind me and walk up the stairs to my daughters room.

I walk into the room and see no lights on, the curtains aren't open and my daughter fast asleep cuddled up in her duvet and teddy bear in her arms.

I sit on her bed and stroke her head waiting for her to wake up, soon enough her eyes flutter open and she looks up to me with sad and tired eyes.

"Awe baby what's the matter?"I ask her as I lift her up onto my lap and let her lay on my chest.

"I feel yucky mama"She whispers to me with a croaky voice making me frown.

"Where do you feel yucky?"I ask her and she points to her stomach, head, throat and nose.

"It hurts everywhere"She whisper before letting a sore and dry cough out.

"It's okay baby, how about we run you a nice bath and then get you changed and then get a nice drink of water and some medication yea?"I suggest even though I know she hates medicine but she doesn't have the energy to protest so she just nods.

"Okay come on then baby"I say as I stand up and walk over to her bathroom, I run the bath and sit Y/N on the counter so I can undress her.

"Mama I don't feel good"She whispers with her hand covering her mouth, I lift her quickly and place her on the ground in front of that toilet and she pukes up her dinner from last night.

"Aww you poor baby, it's okay, mama's here"I whisper rubbing her back holding her hair back.

"Come on let's get you into the bath"I say softly once she finishes and I lift her up and sit her carefully in the bathtub.

I wash her hair and her body before taking her out and drying her before changing her into a new pair of pyjamas, I put a braid in her hair quickly and then grab her blanket and teddy and wrap her up in the blanket and hand her the teddy.

I pick her up gently as I know she will be aching all over her body and bring her downstairs.

I walk into the kitchen to see Wanda, Steve and Clint all stood in there chatting.

"Hi Nat, is she okay?"Wanda asks me and I frown and shake my head nod before walking over to the fridge and grabbing a bottle of water and then I get a straw from the drawer and put it in the bottle and then put it up to her mouth.

She takes small sips and Wanda, Steve and Clint smile sympathetically towards her.

I take out the medicine and pour a spoonful and put it to her mouth she eats it with hesitation but eventually eats the whole thing.

"Let's go to the couch baby"I say as I walk into the living room.

"Steve could get me and bucket from the garage please?"I ask Steve before I walk out and he nods and smiles at me before I leave.

I sit on the couch with Y/N cradled in my arms, she is laying her head on my left boob with her hand on my other boob.

Ever since she was younger she had seemed to think my boobs are pillows, she absolutely love to lay on them which I find quite adorable and funny at the same time.

I put on Toy Story for her to watch but she just ends up falling asleep in my arms just as Steve comes back with the bucket.

He sets the bucket beside me and then pats my shoulder and leaves the room.

I just sit with a sleeping Y/N until she finally wakes up feeling a bit better.

I make her one slice of toast and she eats 1/4 of it and I eat the rest so I don't waste any of it.

"Hopefully you feel better soon baby"I whisper to a half asleep Y/N.

I am currently walking around my bedroom trying to get her back to sleep as she has been sitting in front of the bucket for about 20 minutes puking her guts up.

She falls asleep in my arms as I walk around my room swaying us from side to side gently.

I hate seeing her sick.

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