Jealousy- SJ

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REQUESTED BY:emilye0028

AGE: 16



It is mid term break in school and I was hoping to get the week off and just chill in my bed the whole week but my mom had other plans.

I have been getting detentions a lot recently because I have been late to nearly every single class, I only do it because I hate big crowds and I avoid them at all costs.

My mom hasn't been very happy with me because of this but she won't let me explain and is dragging me to set with her this whole week.

The only good thing about that is I get to see Aunt Lizzie, Aunt Lizzie is the only one that really understands me, since she has extreme anxiety as well.

"Y/N come on we have to go!"My mom shouts up to me from the bottom of the stairs, I sigh and get of my bed and brush my hair and put it in a messy bun and then get changed into a pair of sweats and a plain crop top.

I put my shoes and socks on before grabbing my phone and walking down the stairs.

"You took forever, I though I'd have to send a search party for you"My mom says smiling slightly trying to lighten the mood which doesn't work.

"Funny"I mutter before walking out of the door and into the car.

"You not gonna grab something small for breakfast?"She asks and I shake my head, I'm really not hungry.

Every time I go to set there is big crowds of people I get really nervous and if there's way too many people I just breakdown and have a panic attack.

My mom drives to set and I quickly get out of the car and run to find Aunt Lizzie, but I get stuck in a crowd of people because all the makeup and hair crew are making their way to the trailers and the costume people and just the crew in general.

I look around for anyone I know but I can't find anyone, I'm starting to get scared.

I feel tears build up in my eyes and soon they start flowing down my face, I soon can't breathe until I feel a hand on my shoulder.

I quickly turn to see Aunt Lizzie looking at me concerned, I jump into her arms and soon calm down because Lizzie rubs my back gently and guides me to the bathroom.

"Hey sweetheart you okay now?"Lizzie asks me and I nod and lay my head on her chest as I catch my breath.

"What happened out there?"She asks me concerned, I just catch my breath quickly before speaking again.

"I wanted to go and find you because me and my mom aren't really on speaking terms right now but I got caught in a crowd and I hate crowds and then I had a breakdown and almost panic attack until you found me"I say and she sighs and kisses my head as she rocks us from side to side.

"Why are you and your mom not on speaking terms?"Lizzie asks me and I sigh.

"I have been getting a lot of detentions lately because I have been late to every class for the past 3 weeks. The only reason is because I hate crowds I like to avoid them, so I hide in the bathroom until I know everyone would be in class but my mom won't let me explain that"I tell Lizzie and she nods her head smiling sadly.

"I think you should talk to your mom honey"Lizzie says and I sigh knowing she is right.

"Okay, thank you Lizzie"I say before hugging her once more and running off to find mom.


After Y/N ran off straight away I knew she was going to find Lizzie, they have seemed to be getting closer.

Lizzie and Y/N have a very close bond because they both struggle with extreme anxiety and they talk it out with each other since they can relate to each other.

But sometimes I feel jealous like at this very moment, the thing is, I feel like my own daughter, my own flesh and blood loves Lizzie more than me and finds comfort in Lizzie.

"Hey Scar you okay?"I hear a familiar voice says from beside me, I look up from the ground and to my side to see my best friend Chris Evans.

"Yea just thinking"I mutter before looking at the ground again, my head in my hands.

"What you thinking about?"He asks me worriedly, he can always sense when I'm upset or anything other then okay.

"Just I feel like Y/N loves Lizzie more than me, she goes to Lizzie for everything, whenever she is upset she goes to Lizzie, whenever something happens at school she goes to Lizzie, I can't help but feel jealous of Lizzie. I'm her mother she should come to me for everything yet she never does"I say sadly and Chris pulls me into a tight hug, he kisses the side of my head and we pull away when we hear the door open.

I look up and see Y/N with tears rolling down her face, I stand up quickly and walk over to her.

"What's wrong baby?"I ask softly and concerned for my little girl.

"You really think that?"She asks, she must've heard the conversation, I sigh and nod my head.

She runs and jumps into in arms, she starts to sob into my neck as I hold her tight and rock her from side to side like I used to do when she was a baby.

"I'm sorry mama, I didn't know you felt like that, I love you so much, I love you the most, I'm sorry"She sobs into my neck.

"It's okay baby, as long as I know you're okay that's all that matters"I say as I kiss her head and hold her tighter.

"I love you mama"She whispers in my neck and then pulls away and looks at my face.

"I love you too baby"I whisper and she has the pout on her lips that she used to always do when she was smaller.

I peck her lips making smile, I am lucky to have her in my life.

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