First Steps - SJ

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REQUESTED BY: serenity846694

AGE: 1



Lately Y/N, my one year old daughter has been trying to take her first steps but always seems to fall when she tries to take the first one.

Currently I'm on set with Florence as we are shooting scenes for my new movie Black Widow coming out in like 2 years.

"Hi Florence, say hi baby"I say to my daughter who is very shy even with family and friends, I laugh slightly when she waves at Florence.

"Hi honey, wanna come with Aunt Flo?"Florence asks Y/N as she always likes to ask Y/N if she wants to be with her as she knows how shy she can get.

Y/N nods her head slowly and makes grabby hands to Florence, Florence takes her out of my arms after looking at me for the okay.

"Scarlett we need you on set in 30 minutes, go get ready"The director says and I nod my head.

"I better go and get ready, can you stay with Aunt Flo while mama gets ready baby?"I ask Y/N and she nods her head slightly and I smile and head off.


"I heard that you have been trying to take your first steps huh?"I say ticking Y/N's tummy making her burst out in giggles making me smile even more.

"You are just so adorable you know that honey?"I say kissing her chubby cheek and then her head making her blush slightly and lay her head on my shoulder while I slip her pacifier that Scarlett has handed to me before she left into her mouth.

She gently suckles on her pacifier making smile at the sounds she's making and how cute she looks right now.

She has the exact features of Scarlett, she has her mothers nose, lips, eyes and facial structure, she even has her hair colour and her height as she is quite a small baby.

"You are the image of your mama aren't you?"I whisper and smile at the nearly asleep baby in my arms, I kiss her head and bounce her gently to lull her to sleep.


Once I finish filming my scenes I go up see where Florence and Y/N are, I walk into the lounge area and see Florence sat on the couch with a sleeping Y/N in her arms.

"Hey was she good?"I ask smiling at the sight in front of me.

"Of course she was, she always is"Florence says smiling at me, I smile and sit beside them.

"Do you think I could get her to take her first steps today?"I ask Florence and she looks down at Y/N in her arms and nods her head.

"I think you will, she has probably built up the strength to take her first steps"Florence says and I nod my head.

We wait for Y/N to wake up and around an hour later she wakes up and then we let her wake up a little more until we put her on the ground.

"Okay honey go to mama"Florence says as she is sat behind Y/N incase she falls and I'm sat a few inches in front of her.

"Go to mama"Florence says and Y/N hoists herself up off the floor and looks at me with a big smile on her face.

"Come on baby, come to mama"I say smiling at her making grabby hands to het beckoning her to come to me.

"Mama"She says and she starts to take her first step, she wobbles a little bit and then takes a pause before her next one and then another and another, I move back a little more and she continues to walk to me until she falls into my lap face first making me laugh as I lift her up.

"Good job baby girl, you did it, you took your first steps"I praise her and Florence smiles and claps lightly from the other side of the room.

"Good job honey"She says coming over to us.

Y/N bounces herself a little bit with a giggle and I kiss her little lips, then her nose, then her forehead and then her head and then back down again.

I'm so proud of my little baby girl.

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