Missing - SJ

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WARNINGS: chid abduction and mention of injury

AGE: 2 - 4



"Mama can we get this?"My daughter Y/N asks me running up to me, I laugh and shake my head no.

"No honey, you don't need anymore toys"I say and she huffs and walk away to put it back, I am glad she knows no means no.

It's been awhile and Y/N hasn't come back, I walk around the shop looking for her but I can't find her, I see the toy she wanted laying on the floor making me worried.

I leave my shopping cart and run around the store shouting her name but she isn't shouting back to me.

"Ma'am what's wrong are you okay?"The security guard comes up to me and holds me by my shoulders.

"My daughter she's gone, she went to go put a toy back and then I found the toy on the floor and she's gone, she's gone!"I say as I start sobbing.

"Okay ma'am we will look at the cameras and call the police if you want to call your partner if you have one"He says as he walks away from me.

I quickly take my phone out and call Colin, "Hey babe are you okay?"Colin asks me, "No Y/N's gone missing, she went to go and put a toy back and then I found the toy on the floor and she's no where around the store"I cry into the phone and I hear shuffling from the other side of the phone.

"I'm on my way baby, it's okay stay calm we will find her"Colin says and he hangs up the phone and I stay stood there sobbing wishing my daughter was just hiding from me.

Colin comes within 10 minutes and brings me to the front of the store where the police are stood talking to the security guard and manager.

"Mr. Jost and Ms. Johansson, could you give a description of your daughter?"The police man asks and I nod my head.

"She has the exact same face as me, the same colour eyes as me and has light brown hair, she has scar on her neck from a surgery she had to get a few month ago and she is about the same height as my shin"I tell him and he notes it on his notepad.

"Could I have a picture of her please?"He asks and I nod my head and get my phone out and pull up my gallery and show them the most recent picture I have of her.

"Okay thank you, we looked at the cameras and a man has taken her, she was grabbed and she went out the back way with the man but he put a cloth over her mouth and nose making her pass out that's why she didn't make a noise, don't worry we will find her"The police man says and I nod and start to sob even more so Colin has to hold me steady so I don't fall to ground as I feel my knees get weaker.


It has been 2 years since Y/N has went missing and me and Colin haven't stopped looking for her, she was our only child, we never wanted more than one child and it was hard enough to get pregnant on Y/N so when we lost her we were heart broken.

"Scar come here, it's okay, we will find her don't worry"Colin says as we cuddle in our bed with
Y/N's teddy bear, we have been doing that since she went missing.

Just then Colin's phone starts to ring, he reaches over and gets it seeing it is a private number.

"Hello?"He asks as he answers it, "Oh my God, we will be right there, thank you so much"He says before he ends the call.

"Babe, they think they have found our Y/N, she was found just 20 minutes away from us"Colin says and I gasp and burst out in tears as I scramble to get up and get changed, Colin gets up and gets changed and we both run to the car.

Colin speeds towards the places and before he even stops the car I jump out and run towards the yellow tape.

"Ms Johansson and Mr Jost, you can come in and have a look at the young girl and confirm she is your daughter" The officer says and we nod and run to the little girl that might be our daughter.

We kneel beside her and see her covered in blood, pure naked and a plastic bag around her, "That's Y/N she has the same scar my Y/N has and she has the exact same features as me and the same hair she had when she was 2 years old, and her lips always do that when she is sleeping"I say and they nod for me to touch her, I quickly take my jacket off and lift my daughter up and wrap my jacket around her.

"She has been tested and she has been sexually harassed and has been abused and we have found the man but I don't think you want to see him"The man says and we nod our head and Colin kisses her head and I gently rock her back and forth.

"We should probably get her cleaned up"I say and Colin nods and helps me up with my daughter in my arms.

We walk towards the ambulance as they want to patch her up and put a cast on her leg as she broke it.

They patch her up and even stitch her private parts up before we can take her home.

I sit her on my lap as Colin drives home, we reach our house and I carry her in and she slowly starts to wake up.

"Hey baby, you feeling okay?"I ask her hoping she will remember me, she looks up at me with fear in her eyes until it turns into happiness.

"Mama you found me!"She shouts and jumps to hug me, "Where's dada?"She asks and Colin appears and we have a big family hug.

"How about we get you into the bath and then get you changed"I say and she nods and we bathe her and I put one of her old shirts on her and one of her old pair of leggings as well as a diaper.

"Can you use the potty by yourself yet?"I ask her and she shakes her head and lays her head on my chest.

"That's okay, I'll teach you honey, come on let's go to sleep, you must be exhausted"I say and I lay in my bed with Y/N in my arms, I'm never letting her leave my sight again.

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