The Red Room - NR

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AGE: 16




I am at the park with my 11 year old daughter, she is playing in the playground while I'm sat on a bench reading my book.

After 20 minutes I put my book down and walk to the playground to get Y/N but she is no where to be seen.

"Y/N!"I shout but I don't get an answer, I run around the playground looking for my daughter but I can't find her, I walk around the whole park but she isn't anywhere.

My daughter is gone, she's gone.



It has been 5 years since my daughter went missing, I haven't stopped looking for her but I have gotten no leads on where she is, she just disappeared, she could be dead for all I know.

I am currently trying the take down The Red Room with my sister Yelena, I am in Dreykov's office and Yelena is gone to free the widows but the widows barge into the room.

"Kill her, make her suffer!"He orders to the widows and they follow his orders as he walks out of the room, I look at one widow in particular, Y/N.

All of the widows start to beat me including my daughter, it is one against 20, there is no chance in me winning or getting out alive.

Yelena runs in and the gas blows up and all the widows stop what they are doing and look around confused, my daughter looks around and sees me.

"Oh my god"She mumbles bringing her hand up to her mouth while tears come to her eyes, I stand up with the help of Yelena, I look Y/N's eyes and they are full of pain, guilt and fear.

"Baby come here"I say opening my arms for her, she shakes her head sobbing, "No I'm too dangerous, I hurt you"She sobs out but I walk to her and being her into my arms, she tries to get away from my but I hold her tighter.

She eventually stops trying to get away from me and just breaks down in my arms, I start to cry as I hold her, she is practically shaking from fear and pain, I hold her as close as I can.

I lift her into my arms, I need to get out of here, we all run and jump into a plane after I blow up Dreykov's plane.

The widows land the plane and me and Y/N get out, "You go, free the others, we will meet again Lena"I say and Yelena nods her head hands me her vest and tells the widow to drive the plane to a different location.

I wave her off, I kneel on the ground with Y/N in my arms.

"I never stopped looking for you but I thought that The Red Room was gone so I never looked for it and I never thought you would end up here baby"I whisper to the sobbing girl on my lap.

"I was so scared momma, it was horrible, I woke up and you weren't there and then the doctors did something to my brain and made me forget everything and that's all I remember, after that was just blood, pain and torture I thought I was going to die until you saved me momma, you saved me"She sobs out to me, I hold her closer and rub her back soothingly.

"Let me see your face baby girl"I say and she lifts her head and looks at me, I smile, she looks exactly like me.

"You look exactly me baby"I say and kiss her nose making her smile and giggle, "How about we get outta here and we rescue some of our friends?"I suggest and she nods her head and we both stand.

I hold her hand and walk towards the road, I finally got my baby back.

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