Adopted - SJ

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REQUESTED BY: KailynStrickland

WARNING: child neglect

AGE: 2



We are filming 'We Bought A Zoo 2' as many people loved the first one. There is a new cast member which so happens to be my friends daughter.

Y/N is a 2 year old girl, I met her when she was only a few weeks old but haven't seen her since, Jennifer, her mom sends me lots of pictures of
Y/N every now and then.

Jennifer and Phil, Jennifer's husband and Y/N's dad walk in with Y/N in Phil's arms hiding her face in his shoulder.

"Hey Scar, long time no see!"Jennifer says hugging me, I hug her back and kiss her cheek in a friendly way.

"Hey Jen, it's good to see you!"I say smiling at her as we pull away from the hug.

"Hi Scar"Phil says bluntly, he has always been a blunt person.

"Hi Phil, who's this little girl?"I ask them already knowing it is Y/N.

"This is Y/N, Y/N say hello to Scarlett"Jennifer says tapping Y/N rather harshly, Y/N turns around and waves at me shyly.

"Hewo"She whispers before Phil puts her down on the ground.

"Hello, I'm Scarlett, a friend of your mommy and daddy"I say crouching down to the little girl smiling.

She smiles at me and then I stand up to talk to Jennifer again.

"Scar I think that you should come over to ours for dinner in about 2 weeks we have a lot of catching up to do"Jennifer says and I agree with her.

"I'd love to, I'll be there"I say and they both nod.

"Right Y/N you be good and stay with Scarlett while me and daddy go but we will be back soon okay?"Jennifer says and Y/N doesn't put up a fight about her mother leaving which most 2 year olds do.

"Bye"She whispers and they leave me and Y/N stood there as they walk out of the doors.

"Scarly up pwease?"I hear Y/N say and I look down to her seeing her with her hands in the air for me to lift her up.

"Okay come here"I say as I lift her up, she is very light for a 2 year old, I'm not getting a good vibe off Jennifer and Phil anymore.

We get our hair and makeup done so we can start shooting some scenes, Y/N is playing the role of my daughter in this movie, she wasn't in the first one because she wasn't born yet.

We shoot some scenes until I can tell that Y/N is getting tired and usually 2 year olds have naps around this time so the director lets me and her have a break and brings other people on to do scenes while Y/N naps.

I am sat in my chair watching people do some scenes while Y/N is fast asleep in my arms.

Jennifer and Phil come back a few hours later after me and Y/N have something to eat and do some more scenes and bring Y/N home.

I have loved working with her but I don't get a good vibe off her parents around her, they seem quite aggressive towards her and she didn't care that they were leaving earlier.

Something is going on in that house and in 2 weeks I'll find out what when I go to theirs for dinner.


I just pull up to Jennifer and Phil's drive way, Jennifer hasn't been responding to my texts and Y/N hasn't been on set for a while which has worried me.

I get out of my car and walk towards their driveway when I see a small figure laying on the front porch of the house.

I walk a bit closer and see that is Y/N drenched in sweat and very pale looking.

I run to her and kneel beside her putting my hand on her forehead, she is burning up badly.

"Oh baby, what'a wrong?"I ask her and she opens her eyes and sees me, she lifts her arms up to me weakly with the last bit of strength in her.

"Thirsty"she whispers to me and I lift her onto my lap and stroke her hair out of her face and sigh.

"Okay baby I'll get you some water in a while, I just need to call someone"I say as I take my phone out of my pocket.

"911 what's your emergency?"I hear the dispatcher say, "Hello I am just at my friends house for dinner and I found their 2 year old daughter laying on the front porch in the heat full of sweat and very pale, she seems to be dehydrated and very weak, I need you to send the police and an ambulance please?"I say as fast and as clear as I can.

"Okay I'll send them out to you now, what's the address and your name?"The dispatcher asks me, "The address is 78 oakwood lane, new york downtown and my name is Scarlett Johansson"I say and she lets me know that the car and ambulance have been sent out, I thank her and then hang up the phone.

Soon I hear sirens and police come up to me along with the paramedics.

"Oh god, we need to get her to the hospital now"The paramedic says before grabbing Y/N and rushing her onto a stretcher and into the back of the ambulance, they tell me what hospital they are bringing her to and that I should follow them there.

"Are the parents inside?"The officer asks me and I shrug.

"I think so"I say and they break down the door and find Jennifer and Phil wasted and high on drugs basically having sex on the sofa.

They arrest the both of them and I quickly follow the ambulance to the hospital.

I get to the hospital and they guide me to where Y/N is.

"We have given her fluids and oxygen and have changed her into something lighter as she was in very heavy pyjamas and socks"The nurse says and I nod and thank her before sitting on the chair beside Y/N's bed.

The officers walk in and hand me a pile of papers.

"Would you like to adopt Y/N, we feel after tonight that she would safest with you"The officer explains to me and I nod and sign the sheets.

They leave and soon Y/N wakes up and immediately starts to cry.

I stroke her hair and kiss her head to calm her down and it works.

"Hi baby, you know the way that your mommy and daddy weren't such nice people to you?"I ask her and she faces me and nods her head.

"Well I have legally adopted you so that means that I can be your momma now only if you want me to"I say and her face lights up and she nods her head frantically with a big smile on her face.

"I wuv you momma"She whispers and I smile at her.

"I love you too sweetie"I whisper and kiss her nose making her giggle.


"Momma!"Y/N shouts as she runs up to me, I am sat out in my backyard reading a book while Y/N plays with Lizzie and Flo.

"Hi baby, you having fun?"I ask her and she nods her head happily, I lift her up and kiss her head making her giggle and lay her head on my chest.

"I love you momma"My now 3 year old daughter says to me making me smile.

"I love you too baby"I says smiling at her and I kiss her head and rock her back and forth gently.

I am so lucky to have helped Y/N, she recovered quickly and I am happy for that as she wasn't in pain for too long.

I will cherish every moment, good and bad with Y/N, she is my little baby after all.

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