Eventful Shopping Trip - SJ

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REQUESTED BY - r0m3n0ff

Y/N'S AGE - 2 years old
ROSE'S AGE - 5 years old

WORD COUNT -  616 words


Me, Y/N and Rose have gone to do our weekly grocery shop, usually Colin would come with us but he was needed in work today so it's just me and my daughters.

"Okay girls you need to be on your best behaviour today"I tell Y/N and Rose and they both smile at me and nod as I unbuckle Rose's seatbelt.

"Okay mama"Rose says as I help her out of her car seat.

"If you girls are really good and on your best behaviour you will get a toy okay?"I say as I lift Y/N out of her seat.

Y/N hasn't been in the best mood today because she couldn't sleep last night as she was getting nightmares and Rose loves to annoy her sister so we will see how this goes.

"Do you two wanna be put in the trolley or walk around?"I ask both of my girls and Y/N chooses the trolley and Rose chooses the walk beside me.

"Okay but make sure you stay close okay Rosey?"I say to my eldest daughter and she nods and we all walk into the store after getting Y/N into the trolley.

"Okay stay close it is really busy"I tell Rose while Y/N is sat in the trolley quiet with her head leaning against my chest as I push the trolley around.

I have to get Rose to grab the stuff and put it into the trolley because I have a sleepy toddler laying on me.

Rose starts to annoy her sister like earlier and Y/N isn't having any of it.

"Stop it Rose!"She shouts as Rose pushes her legs that are dangling from the trolley.

"Hey stop it the two of you"I say and Rose huffs and skips along beside me while Y/N is sat there with a sour face.

"Rose I mean it no more annoying your sister"I say and Rose just rolls her eyes and continues to skip along beside me.

After a little while Y/N starts to kick her legs back and forth and she accidentally kicks me and she says sorry but Rose pushes her by the tummy from the little feet hole causing Y/N to fly back and hurt her back on the back of the seat.

Y/N bursts out crying holding her back while Rose looks up at me with a sorry look on her face.

"I'm sorry mama, I didn't mean to hurt her"Rose says with a frown on her face and tears in her eyes.

"No Rose, why on earth would you even push her, I get that she kicked me but it was an accident and she apologised"I tell Rose and she just looks down at her feet while playing with her hands.

"Come here baby girl"I say lifting Y/N out of the seat and rubbing her back as she cries.

Just as well we had gotten the last thing on the list and were about to pay, I pay for the shopping and some nice man helps me put the shopping in the car.

I thank him and I make sure Rose is buckled in and then I buckle Y/N into her car seat, she had stopped crying but was still sniffling.

"I'm sorry Y/N, I didn't mean to hurt you"Rose says to her sister and Y/N just looks at Rose and smiles a little but before hiccuping from all of her crying.

Well this was sure an eventful shopping trip...

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2023 ⏰

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