Premiere - SJ

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AGE: 8



I am sitting in my chair while the makeup artists do my makeup and the hairstylists do my hair. I am going to the Avengers Endgame premiere today and I am bringing my daughter Y/N as she has been wanting to come with me for a while now.

"Mommy when are we going?"Y/N asks from her seat beside me as the makeup artists go her makeup which is only a small bit and the hairstylist do her hair which is the same as mine.

"We will be going after mommy's finished her makeup and hair and when we both get changed"I say and she sighs and slumps down in her chair making me laugh slightly.

She has been waiting for ages to go to this premiere and she is now getting grumpy because she's too excited and she feels like I am taking forever to get ready.

"Don't worry baby I'm nearly ready"I say as the makeup artists and hair stylists finish with Y/N and help with me to get me ready faster.

"But mommy you don't need makeup, you're already really pretty"Y/N says making me and my crew smile at her cuteness.

"Thank you baby, I just want to where makeup for this event"I say and she nods and jumps down from her chair and makes grabby hands for me.

I pick her up and lift her onto my lap and she snuggles into my chest and just lays there while I finish getting ready.

Once I finish getting ready me and Y/N get changed into our dresses, they are slightly matching as they both have sequins on them but not the exact same.



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Me and Y/N walk to the car and I help her into the car and then get into the car myself, Y/N sits beside me chatting about everything and anything as we drive there.

We pull up at the venue and we see lots of flashing lights making Y/N look up at me with wide eyes making me smile slightly.

"It's okay baby, mommy's right here"I say grabbing her hand, I get out of the car first and then help Y/N out of the car after me and just then I see the biggest smile appear on her face.

"Mama I'm a big girl you don't need to carry me"She says as I go to pick her up and I laugh and take her hand and stand back up straight and we walk towards the carpet.

I know for sure I'll end up carrying her around especially at the after party because I'm sure she will get very tired and want to be with me.

"Come on then big girl"I say, once we get to the carpet the crowds go wild when they see my daughter making her giggle and wave at everyone.

We stop for some pictures and then for some interviews, Y/N tells one of the interviewers that when she is older she wants to be just like me and be an actress as well so I have been trying to find the perfect role for her as this will be her first role.

"Scarlett over here!"Paparazzi shout to me and I smile and pose for all them letting go of Y/N's hand.

"Y/N over here!"Some people shout and I look to see my daughter posing and smiling at the cameras really enjoying herself, my daughter really is a natural at this.

We continue to walk down the carpet and see Chris Evans not too far ahead so Y/N runs up to him making me smile at her antics.

"Uncle Chris!"She shouts and runs into his arms and he lifts her up and hugs her, they haven't seen each other for about 2 months after seeing each other nearly everyday.

"That was the most adorable thing ever!"I hear someone shout making me and Chris laugh and we all pose and take some pictures together before walking to the end of the carpet.

Chris puts Y/N down and she takes my hand and we walk into the movie theatre to watch the movie all together, we go and sit down and wait for the movie to start.

Y/N cuddles up to me and I wrap my arms around her to make her more comfortable.

We watch the movie until it comes up to Nat's death which I know we will have the waterworks, "It's okay"Natasha says and I hear small sobs from beside me, I look down to see Y/N crying her eyes out struggling to breathe.

"Hey it's okay mama's here"I whisper and lift
Y/N up and onto my lap so she can feel me a little better, she pushes her head into my chest and continues to sob and I see most of my friends looking at us smiling sadly.

"Don't leave me mama"She whispers still sobbing her heart out, "Oh baby, I'm not gonna leave you baby, it's just a movie, it's isn't real"I tell and hug her tighter than before after hearing that.

She nods her head and snuggles up to my chest even more getting a bit more comfortable while still watching the movie.

It comes up to Tony's death and I feel Y/N shaking slightly and my chest getting wet and lean back to see Y/N crying again. "Uncle Robert as well!"She sobs loudly making everyone turn to look at us, Robert walks up to us and picks Y/N up, he sits in her seat and rocks her back and forth slowly to calm her down.

"It's okay angel, Uncle Robert isn't going anywhwere, it's just a movie, it's isn't real remember"Robert whispers to Y/N, she nods her head and lays her head on his shoulder while watching the movie, it gets to Steve's part and I get Robert to cover Y/N's eyes because I don't want her crying again.

"Why are you covering my eyes?"She asks trying to see what's on the screen making me laugh slightly.

"No reason sweetie just relax"Robert says and she nods her head and then he takes his hand away after Steve's part is finished.

Once the movie ends everyone stands up and claps as it was an amazing movie and very emotional especially for Y/N as she was the one that cried the most.

It is now time for the after party and we are all making our way to the other venue, I am carrying Y/N because she is tired and because she is still worried I will leave her even if I have reassured her many times.

"Let's get this party started!"Robert shouts making all of us cheer and laugh, we all start to dance, drink and have fun together.

I have enjoyed my time with my daughter today and she is a real natural at the posing so I know she will make it in the acting industry just like I did, she has potential and I know it, I mean she is my daughter after all.

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