Girl's Day Out - SJ

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AGE: 13



I have noticed that Y/N my eldest daughter hasn't been herself lately, she is very quiet and doesn't engage in many conversations and is always in her bedroom unless it's time to eat.

I walk to her bedroom and knock on the door lightly as she might still be asleep, I don't get a response and open the door slightly see her sprawled across her bed fast asleep.

I smile to myself and walk over to her, I sit on the edge of the bed and gently stroke her cheek, "Hey baby it's time to wake up"I whisper and I get a groan from her, I smile and kiss her head making her open her eyes slightly.

"Morning baby, you feeling okay today?"I ask her and she opens her eyes fully, "I'm just really tired why?"She asks me, "Well I've noticed that you haven't been yourself lately so I wanted to come and check up on you"I say and she sighs and smiles slightly.

"I'm just tired lately from all of my studying but other than that I'm fine mom thanks"She says to me, I smile and nod my head, "I was thinking if your up for it would you like to have a girls day out, just me and you. No Rose, No Cosmo, No Colin. Just us"I say and she smiles widely, "That would be great mom"She says.

"Right you get ready and meet me downstairs we are going out for breakfast"I say and she smiles and sits up and hugs me, I hug her back and kiss her head before she lets go.

"Don't take too long now"I joke as I walk out of her room, I hear her laughing as I walk downstairs, she really is the sweetest girl.


I'm so excited for me and mom's day out, we haven't had one in years and I'm happy to get away from my siblings and my stepdad because they are very energetic all day everyday so it is a lot to handle but I still love them.

I get out of my bed and go into my bathroom, I have a quick shower and get changed into a cute outfit and brush my naturally wavy hair and put on some mascara and highlighter because why not.



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It is the summer time but it is a bit chilly out so I decided on a tank top and some jeans because I think it is cute and warmish but not too warm that I'm sweating.

I grab my phone and walk downstairs to where mom is waiting for me.

"Hey baby girl, you look very fashionable today"She says kissing my forehead, "Thanks mom, you look a little bit fashionable but I'm just not feeling the shoes"I joke and she looks at me offended making me laugh which makes her laugh.

"Come on you cheeky monkey"She says wrapping her arm around my shoulders and leading me out of the house and into the car.

"We are gonna go out for breakfast first then nails and hair because I've known that you want to change your hair up a little bit so why not today and then of course shopping"She says as she drives to the breakfast place, I look at her with a massive smile on my face.

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