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A/N: This was requested by Mp_3406. Human au, Italy: Feliciana Romano: Lovina

"Lovina!" Feliciana exclaimed fearfully to her sister from the bathroom. Lovina, who was calmly sitting on the couch downstairs in the living room was startled by Feliciana's sudden outburst. She sprang out of her seat and sprinted up the stairs. She reached the closer bathroom door and banged on it.

"Feliciana! What's wrong?! Let me in!" Lovina exclaimed in a panic. The door flew open and Lovina narrowly escaped being hit by it. Feliciana grabbed her by the wrist and pulled her in. Still holding the older girl's wrist, she pointed to the corner of the room. There, was the ugliest spider that Lovina had ever seen.

Being the brave person that she is, she removed one of her converse from her foot and slammed it down on the beast. She scooped the now dead spider up in toilet paper and flushed it.

"Wow Lovi! You're so brave!" Feliciana said as she pulled Lovina into a bear hug. "It was just a spider, no big deal." She replied unenthusiasticly.

"My hero!" Feliciana exclaimed and kissed Lovina on the cheek. Lovina blushed hard, hiding her face in Feliciana's neck so that she could tease her about it. "Well, how could I not save my pretty lady." She said quietly, her voice slightly muffled as she spoke with her face still pressed into Feliciana's neck.

Feliciana giggled and pulled away from the hug. She grabbed Lovina's wrist again, leading her down the stairs. "All that scariness made me hungry. Let's make pasta!" She declared in delight. Lovina couldn't help the small smile that formed on her face.

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