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Lutz was frustrated. Him and Luciano had been talking when Luciano suddenly got mad at something Lutz said. In all honesty, Lutz didn't even remember what it was he said, but it set Luciano off and he hasn't stopped bitching since. "Hey are you even listening to me?" Luciano said. (Shut up) Lutz thought. "-And now you won't even pay attention to me?!" (Verdammt shut up!). Lutz put his hand on his hat. "Look Luciano I'm sorry I d-" "Sorry won't cut it!" Luciano interrupted. Lutz was 500% done right now. "You are the most-" Lutz had had it, he took the hand that was on his hat and grabbed Luciano's chin. "Hey what are you doing you bas- Mpf!" Lutz gave the bitching Italian a mouth-bruising kiss. Luciano was completely caught of guard. Lutz broke the kiss. He got close to Luciano's ear and gently nipped at it. Luciano's breath hitched and his knees almost gave out. Lutz moved away from the Italian and smirked at what he saw. Luciano's face was all red and he was completely flustered. "Y-you bastard! Don't you ever do that again!" Lutz leaned down and kissed the Italian softer this time. "I'm sorry meine liebe, I just couldn't resist." Lutz whispered in Luciano's ear. "I hate you." Luciano said crossing his arms. "Ich liebe dich auch." Lutz said.

Verdammt: Damn it.
Ich liebe dich auch: I love you too.

Author's note: I got the inspiration for this one from a little 3 part comic this person on Instagram made. Their username is jörgenbeilschmidt. But when I looked for it today I couldn't find it or the person's account, so maybe the user took it down or deleted their account. But this one isn't made up by me, so yeah. Don't want to get in trouble for that.

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