(NSFW) Germancest

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A/N: This was requested by XxCxiiAnimexX. I'm making this a songfict :3 I hope you like it ^-^

Two single hearts on fire, currently on the wire. As inhibitions fade, a focus moment made.

Germany and Prussia stumbled around Prussia's room, tearing off each other's clothes. Their tongues fiercely fought for domination. Prussia roughly shoved Germany into the wall, earing a small grunt in reply. Prussia kissed and sucked down Germany's neck. He felt Germany's knees wobble beneath him and knew he had found his sensitive spot. Prussia sucked slowly and deliberately, doing all he could to tease Germany. Germany moaned and turned his head to the side.
Bruises and bitemarks say, takes one to bring the pain. Passion lies in screams of ecstacitic dreams.

"Stop teasing me, bruder. I won't be able to control myself." Germany begged. Prussia smirked. "Oh is that so?" Prussia taunted. He gasped as he was suddenly shoved to the wall. Germany smashed his lips onto Prussia's. He bit and sucked on Prussia's lips, making Prussia shiver in delight. Germany knew his brother was extremely kinky and had some "toys" to use. He quickly went into Prussia's closet and pulled out two pairs of handcuffs from his stash. Prussia's ruby eyes went wide as Germany walked out with the handcuffs.
You're in a place for fear, lips are for biting here. Let's make this moment worth a while. Let's kill the night and go down in style.

Prussia slowly backed away; He didn't want to be dominated; He couldn't alow himself to be defeated by someone younger than him. He ran, trying to pass the bed to get to the door, but failed miserably as Germany pounced on him and pinned him to the bed below. Prussia thrashed and resisted, but Germany was having none of that. He rubbed Prussia's crotch with his knee, causing Prussia to moan loudly and arch his back. Germany took this chance to cuff both of Prussia's hands to the bedpost behind them. "Fuck you!" Prussia exclaimed. "Nein, I'm going to fuck you." Germany said with a grin. He kissed down Prussia's bare chest. Prussia's struggled against the restraints, pulling at them halfheartledly; He knew he couldn't escape now. He actually did like being dominated, but he would never let anyone know that.
Feel the magic rise, we're plotting our demise, of perspiration and alcohol as I introduce the bedroom brawl.

Germany sucked on one of Prussia's nipple and pinched the other with his fingers. Prussia suppressed a moan, he wasn't giving up his dignity just yet. Germany growled and bit down on the nub. Prussia gasped and shivered with pleasure.
You bring the ropes and chains, I'll bring the pills and games. I can show you pain and make you say my name.

Germany kissed and nipped down Prussia's toned abs, making butterflies riot in Prussia's stomach. Germany went down a bit lower and tugged at the rim of Prussia's boxers with his teeth. "West wait- Aah!" Germany cut Prussia off, taking him into his mouth. He swirled his tongue around the tip, slowly taking I'm more and more. Prussia bit his lip and turned his head to the side, intense pleasure flowing through him. "Ah..West y-you got good at this." Prussia said weakly. Germany hummed in response, sending pleasant vibrations to Prussia's member. Germany flicked his tongue on the tip, making Prussia moan loudly. "West...I-i..can't take it anymore." Prussia stuttered out. Germany flicked his tongue on Prussia's tip again, sending him over the edge. Prussia mewled and came. Germany swallowed his essence. Prussia looked at Germany flustered, seeing Germany smirk, he could see an intense look in his eye. He knew Germany took pride in making Prussia weak with pleasure.
You will believe my lies, but I'm not like other guys.That sparkle in my eyes is part of my disguise. 

Germany removed his boxers and threw them aside. He suddenly remembered something. He got up and went to Prussia's drawer. Prussia cocked his head to the side curiously. His questions were answered when Germany came back with a bottle of lube. Germany put some on his fingers and brought them to Prussia's entrance. He slowly stuck in one. Prussia bit his lip and tried to relax. Germany stuck in the other digit. "Ah.." Prussia moaned quietly. Germany made a scissoring motion, stretching Prussia's entrance as much as he could. "Mm West..it feels good." Prussia said blissfully. Germany smiled. While he did take joy in making Prussia beg and moan, he also loved making him feel good.
You're in a place for fear, lips are for biting here. Let's make this moment worth a while, let's kill the night and go down in style. Feel the magic rise, we're plotting our demise, of perspiration and alcohol as I introduce the bedroom brawl.

Germany pulled his fingers out and put lube on his member. He positioned himself at Prussia's entrance. Prussia bit his lip at Germany's size. He was a bit nervous. "Don't worry, I'll be gentle...at first." Germany said with a smirk. He slid in easily with the help of the lube. He looked at Prussia to see if he was okay. "Mein Gott Deutschland! Nicht stoppen!" Prussia yelled. Germany smirked again. He began thrusting in and out quickly.
You're in a place for fear, lips are for biting here. Let's make this moment worth a while, let's kill the night and go down in style. Feel the the magic rise, we're plotting our demise, of perspiration and alcohol as I introduce the bedroom brawl.

"Härtere!" Prussia begged. Germany thrusted with all the force his could. Prussia had forgotten all about his dignity. He moaned and begged and yelled Germany's name. He bit his lip so hard that he could taste his blood, but all he could focus on was the pleasure he felt. He could even form coherent words or sentences anymore. Prussia felt heat pool to his abdomen. "West! I-i'm gonna-" Prussia cut himself off as he threw his head back and came with a scream. He fell limp against the bed, panting. He and Germany let out a moan as Germany came inside Prussia.
You're in a place for fear, lips are for biting here. Let's make this moment worth a while, let's kill the night and go down in style. Feel the magic rise, we're plotting our demise, of perspiration and alcohol as I introduce the bedroom brawl.

Germany removed the handcuffs and lied next to Prussia. Prussia smiled and cuddled him. Prussia licked his.lip, cleaning the blood off it. "What time ist it?" Prussia asked. "4:00 am." Germany replied. Prussia yawned. "Guten nacht, West." he said sleepily. "Guten nacht." Germany said before falling asleep.
A/N: Sorry for the long wait. The song I used is Bruises and Bitemarks by Good With Grenades.

Nicht stoppen: Don't stop

Härtere: Harder

Mien Gott: My god

Deutschland: Germany

Sorry if I got the first and second words wrong, I had to use Google translate XD. I just love uke Prussia *-*

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