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Canada was taking a walk through the park. It was cold and he had forgotten his gloves at home, so his hands were freezing. He had also left Kumajiro at home so he didn't have anyway to keep his hands warm. He shivered slightly and crossed his arms. "Hey birdie!" A voice yelled, causing Canada to jump. He looked behind him and standing there was Prussia. "Oh hi Prussia. You scared me." Canada said. "Hey birdie are you cold? You're shivering." Prussia asked worriedly. "Oh um yeah. My hands are just cold." Canada said looking away. Prussia took Canada's hands in his and brought them up to his lips. He blew hot air onto Canada's hands. Canada blushed darker and looked down. "Does that feel warmer, birdie?" Prussia asked. "Yes, thank you Prussia." Canada said with a small smile. Prussia held Canada's hands and stared into his eyes. Canada shyly averted his eyes from Prussia. Prussia leaned in and gave Canada a small kiss to the forehead. Canada blushed darker, if that was even possible. "Let's go to my place birdie. It's too cold out here and you could get sick." Prussia said. "O-okay thank you Prussia. Canada replied. "Oh and one more thing." Prussia said. "Yes?" Canada asked. "I love you birdie." Prussia said. Canada blushed again. "I love you too." They walked to Prussia's house hand in hand. Canada was actually glad he had forgotten his gloves.

A/N: Hey guys, sorry I haven't been updating much on here and my ask the characters. I've just been busy with school starting and I've been having to be around le family. I'll update as much as I can. Thanks for reading.

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