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Yao didn't know what to do anymore. Anya [2pNyo!Russia. Well not really her name but just gonna use it because idk her name] and him had been dating for a while, but their relationship was strained by Anya's temper. She was always getting angry and then lashing out at Yao without thinking. Yao knew they couldn't continue like this, but he just couldn't bring himself to leave her. "You are such an idiot!" Anya yelled at him. She slapped him across the face. Yao held his cheek that was starting to from a red hand mark. "I'm sorry." Yao said quietly. "You always get in my way! I wish you were never born!" Anya yelled. That really hit him. He felt his heart break. It hurt more than any hit or words she had said to him before. "I'm sorry you feel that way. I will just leave then." He said, his voice strained. He started walking away. Anya's eyes widened, realizing what she had done. "Yao wait! I-" Yao walked out the door. He ran and ran, not really sure where he was going, but he knew he had to go somewhere. He finally stopped when he reached a field of sunflowers. He walked all the way out to the middle of the field and finally broke down crying. Salty tears slipped from his eyes to his mouth. He thought of everything him and Anya had gone through. "Yao!" He heard Anya call him. He didn't answer, he was sobbing to hard to anyway. "Yao!" Anya exclaimed when she found him. She felt bad. She didn't mean what she had said. She just said it out of anger. She sat on the ground with him and pulled him into a hug. "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean it. I didn't mean to hurt you." she said, tears running down he cheeks. Yao looked at her in the eyes. He gently wiped her tears away with the long sleeve of his shirt. "Don't cry my beautiful Anya." Yao said with worry in his eyes. "How do you still even love me?" Anya asked through her tears. "True love is being able to love and care for someone no matter what." Yao answered. He took her face in his hands and kissed her. She kissed back and cried tears of joy this time. Their kiss was full of love and forgiveness. "I'm sorry Yao." Anya said. "I will always forgive you." He said kissing her hand. "I love you, my sunflower." Anya said, smiling. Yao smiled bigger. "I love you too my beautiful panda." They sat talking and hugging until nightfall.

Author's note: Here you go TaeminIzMahBabehAru. I hope you liked it ^-^

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