(NSFW) Nyo!Rochu

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A/N: Hey everyone. I know it's been forever and I apologize if you were looking forward to my updates and have just been waiting all this time. I'm finally back and have the inspiration to finish my drafts. So at the time when I began my hiatus I didn't want to write smut and that's pretty much all that's in my drafts, but after a long time of seeing examples from other people's work, I have faith in myself again to be able to write this. This was requested by SilverChain21. I will be using human names, Russia:Anya, China:Chun-yan (Anya calls her "Chun" for short) Human College roommates Au. hope you enjoy this story :3

It was a Saturday night and yet here Chun-yan was, studying for her midterm in her dorm room. Her roommate, Anya, had gone out to party with their other friends and, much to Chun-yan's delight, she had the room to herself to study without any distractions, or so she thought.

Not more than half an hour later, she heard the sound of heavy footsteps and slurred Russian coming down the hall. She internally groaned as she realized that she wouldn't be able to get anything done with a drunk Anya in their room. The thought that Anya was drunk surprised her though. It had only been two hours since she'd been gone and she could usually hold her liquor well.

"Jeeze, I hope she doesn't have alcohol poisoning. Or that she was drugged." Chun-yan though worriedly to herself. It really was not like Anya to get like this. She walked to the door and opened it to see Anya with a flushed face and a knuckle up as if she had been about to knock on the door.

"Chun! I'm back!" Anya exclaimed a bit too loudly. Chun-yan quietly shushed her, worrying that someone would come out to complain. She took Anya by the hand and led her into the room, closing the door behind them.

"Anya, are you okay? You've only been gone for two hours and it only 12:45, how are you this drunk?" Chun-yan questioned. "Amelia and Julchen dared me to mix vodka with whiskey into a big cup and then drink like three cups of it. *Hic* Then I had a lot of this pretty drink that looked like the galaxy." Anya responded slowly and slurred.

In Anya's drunken mind, she noticed Chun-yan was only wearing a red tank top and black shorts that went half way up her thighs. She bit her lips as Chun-yan turned and bent over to get something, admiring how oh so well those shorts complimented her bum. She was almost tempted to touch it when Chun-yan turned back around and handed her a bottle of water.

"Drink up, I don't want you getting sick." Chun-yan directed. "I am thirsty, but not for water..." Anya said in a slightly husky voice. Chun-yan's eyes widened as she realized what Anya meant. She gave a nervous look and shoved the bottle into Anya's hands, returning back to her desk where she had been studying.

Anya smirked and came up behind Chun-yan, bringing her lips dangerous close to the shell of
Chun-yan's ear. "A little birdy told me that you have a crush on me~" Anya whispered mischievously. Chun-yan shivered slightly. "Amelia! Damn I told her not to tell anyone! I'm gonna kill her!" She exclaimed in a sudden outburst. "Later." Anya said in a low voice. Chun-yan turned to look at Anya and as she did, her lips were crushed into Anya's.

She tried to resist, oh she tried, but with Anya's tongue tickling the roof of her mouth and spreading the taste of alcohol, Chun-yan's mind was swimming. She let out a small moan as Anya took her bottom lip between her teeth. Anya lifted her up from the desk chair and laid her down on the bottom bunk bed. She climbed on top of Chun-yan and straddled her hips. Chun-yan's eyes widened as she saw a mischievous twinkle in Anya's violet eyes.

"Anya wait, you're drunk, this isn't right." Chun-yan said with a worried look in her eyes. Anya suddenly sobered up and gave Chun-yan a smile. "I consent to this, do you? I didn't even ask if this was okay, I'm sorry." Anya said and bit her lip. "Anya, I want to." Chun-yan whispered shyly, looking into her eyes. Anya smiled and leaned down onto Chun-yan, capturing her lips.

Anya started slowly and sweetly, her lips caressing Chun-yan's over and over, occasionally earnings a few whimpers when she tugged at Chun's lower lip. Anya moved to kiss her cheek and slowly moved to plant wet kisses on her jawline. Chun turned her head to the side, begging Anya to go lower. Anya obliged and trailed butterfly kisses down the side of her neck until she reached the base. She nipped and sucked at the place that connected Chun's neck to her shoulder.

Chun let out a tiny moan and unintentionally rolled her hips upwards into Anya's. Anya let out a moan and returned the action, causing Chun to quietly gasp.

"Anya...shirts" Chun begged. Anya nodded and removed Chun's shirt. Anya made a show of removing her own, lifting her arms over her head slowly and slightly arching her back. Chun blushed, biting her lip and she ran her hands up Anya's stomach.

"Hey beautiful, can you take your bra off from me~" Anya said charmingly. "After you dear~" She replied, mimicking Anya's charming tone. Anya did as she was told, looking expectantly but patiently after the article of clothing was removed. Chun removed hers as well and they both took time to take in what they saw.

"Can I...touch them?" Chun blushed, mentally kicking herself for asking so awkwardly. Anya giggled and grabbed Chun's hands, guiding them to her breasts. Chun cupped them gently, mentally musing over how soft they were. She moved some of Anya's platinum hair out of the way. She decided to be daring and ran her thumbs over Anya's nipples.

"C-chun..." Anya rolled her hips. Feeling encouraged, Chun pulled Anya down so that her breasts were in her face. She placed her mouth over one of Anya's nipples and gently twisted the other one between her fingers. Anya cried out rolling her hips again. Chun hummed and sucked a little harder.

Anya cried Chun's name and Chun rolled them over, climbing over Anya and deeply kissing her. She released Anya's mouth and slid down, keeping her chest pressed to Anya's so that their nipples rubbed over each other. Anya let out a small whimper. Chun left a trail of wet, sloppy kisses from the spot between Anya's breasts, down her stomach, and to the rim of her jean. She unbuttoned them and pulled them off. She saw a wet spot on Anya's underwear and mouthed that spot through them. Anya moaned and bucked her hips up.

"Chun! Please stop teasing...I need you." She begged. Anya obliged and pulled the underwear off. She admired the groomed patch off hair before leaning down and licking Anya's clit. Anya gasped and covered her mouth with her hand, unsuccessfully trying to stifle her moans. Chun used her hand to pump a finger in and out of Anya's wet entrance, loving the way she gently screamed her name.

Chun suddenly noticed how uncomfortably wet she was and used her free had to finger herself. Their moans mixed together along with the smell and sounds of sex. Chun was nearing her end when Anya's breath started coming out in short breaths and her inner walls started clenching up around her fingers. "Chun! I'm cumming!" Anya exclaimed through loud whimpers. Chun gently bit Anya's clit and pumped her fingers faster. "Ah! I'm- mmh! Chun!" And with one last lick, Anya was pushed over the edge, her hips bucking erratically. Chun pumped her fingers slowly but deeply, letting Anya ride out her orgasm.

Anya noticed that Chun hadn't cum yet and was still rolling her hips into her hand. She picked her up and put her on her lap, Chun's back on her bare chest. She reached her hand over Chun's side and rubbed her finger over her clit. "Anya!" Chun exclaimed, the back of her head gently hitting Anya's collarbone.

Anya licked the shell of Chun's ear. Chun moaned Anya's name and bucked her hips, riding out her orgasm. She sagged against Anya's front, her breathing slowing down. Anya giggled and kissed Chun's cheek. Chun turned her head and gave Anya a slow, gentle kiss on her lips.

"I want to shower now." Chun said with a small chuckle. "I could go for round two in the shower~" Anya teased. Chun gently hit her arm and got up to gather her stuff, putting on her robe. She stopped at the door and looked back at Anya. "You coming?" She asked with a wink. Anya put on her own robe and rushed after Chun, both of them trying to stifle their giggles as they rushed to the girl's dorm showers.

A/N: I'm finally back to finish all these drafts I have. Once again, I'm sorry for losing inspiration and leaving you all hanging. Thank you SilverChain21 for requesting and I hope you enjoy this ^w^

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