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A/N: So this got deleted. I don't know how but I got so pissed when I saw it did. I'm gonna try to rewrite it the way I did, but I don't remember everything word for word so it's not gonna be exactly the same, especially the smut scene.

"Damn this place." England muttered to himself. He was working in France's mansion. Why, you may ask. In the beginning, England and France were both rich, but then one day England lost it all. There had been another war and he was deep in debt. He had to work just to survive. One day, France saw him working. He persistently asked him why, as many rich people don't work. England cracked and told him what happened. France felt bad, so he let England work and live in his mansion. England was shocked; he couldn't believe that someone who hated him the most was letting live in their home. But he reluctantly agreed. But lately when he saw France or heard his voice or heard him being mentioned, he got this feeling in his chest that he just couldn't fathom. He was currently mopping the library floor. France suddenly walked in. "How are you doing angleterre?" France asked. (There's that feeling again.) England thought to himself. "Fine." he replied. France got in front of England with a determined look in his face. England blushed and looked down. "Are you okay angleterre? Your face is red and warm." France asked worriedly. "I'm fine git, can you please leave me be?" England asked, backing away. France moved forward but slipped and fell on England, sending them both to the floor. England looked up and saw France's cornwall blue eyes. England blushed. "France get off!" England demanded. France smirked. "Why are you getting so worked up angleterre?" France asked. "I am not!" England exclaimed. "Could it be that you like all this attention?" France purred. "No!" England yelled defensively. France chuckled and began kiss to and suck at England's neck. England moaned and tried to move away. France pinned England down. France kissed from the base of England's neck to his jaw painfully slowly in England's opinion. "France please." England begged. "Ohonhon I didn't think you would beg angleterre~" France said. "Please stop teasing me." England said. France nodded. He removed England's shirt and but his lip and he saw England's toned torso. England blushed and looked away. France left more love bites on England's tender skin. England tugged on France's shirt, signaling he wanted it off. France smiled and took off his shirt. England ran his hand down France's chest, making France chuckle once more. France removed England's pants and palmed him through his boxers. England mewled and arched his back. "France please." England begged. France pulled off England's boxers and took him into his mouth. "Ah!" England moaned and bucked his hips. France twirled his tongue around England's tip and pushed his finger in his entrance at the same time. England moaned in pain and pleasure. France added another digit and started to scissor England. It didn't take long for France to find England's sweet spot. France hit it roughly over and over. With one last hit he pushed England over the edge. England came and threw his head back, yelling France's name. France pulled away and looked at England. England's flushed face made France's pants tighter. France quickly removed his own pants and boxers. England was instantly hard again seeing France. France positioned himself at England's entrance. "Are you ready angleterre?" France asked. England nodded. France slowly pushed in. England whimpered in pain. "Shh it's okay angleterre." France cooed. He stopped when he was all the way in and waited for England to adjust. After a while England nodded. France slowly pull out and pushed back in.  It soon got easier to slip in and out. "Ah France right there!" England screamed. France hit England's sweet spot with force. England moaned and dug his nails roughly into France's back. France bit his lip and thrusted harder. England was a melting mess. He put his hand on his forehead and arched his back. "Faster!" He begged. France panted as he picked up the pace. He grabbed England's member and pumped it at the same time he thrusted. England screamed again and dug his nail harder than he did before, drawing blood. "France I'm gonna-" He let out a cry as he came. France pulled out and lied next to him. "We should go to my room." France said. England nodded. France picked England up bridal style and snuck to his room. The next morning, France woke up and looked at England. He smiled at the Brit's peaceful, sleeping face. He went th the bathroom and ran the tub water. He looked at himself in the mirror. He had scratch marks on his back. He smirked.
A/N: Sorry, like I said, it somehow got deleted. This was originally for HannahTennyson. Thanks for requesting ^-^

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