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A/N: This was requested by XxCxiiAnimexX. I hope you like it :3

England considered himself a light sleeper. That being said, he was not surprised when he awoke to the sound of someone opening and closing the bathroom door, and eventually turning on the shower. He knew just who this "someone" was.

Much to his irritation, America had paid him a visit. He insisted that he wanted to spend some bonding time with the English man. England had reluctantly obliged, preparing himself for one of the longest weekends of his life.

"Why the hell is that git taking a shower at two in the morning?" England thought incredulously. He would have just ignored it and tried to drift back off to sleep if it wasn't for the sudden string of muffled moans that escaped the bathroom and invaded his bedroom.

"That wanker is jacking off!" England blushed at the thought. He pictured the scene in his mind; America, flushed and breathless. His forehead leaning on the wall. One of his hands covering his mouth in a desperate attempt to quiet himself, while the other...

England was suddenly aware of how painfully hard he was. He decided enough was enough. He burst out of his room and turned to his left, walking a short distance to the bathroom door.

He was about to knock on the door when he heard America mutter his name. "England...Mh!" That was all that he could take. The door was conveniently unlocked and he opened it, not trying to be quiet or gentle. America looked over and his face, still flushed, morphed into an expression of panic.

"England! I can expla-" He stopped when England began to undress. England's oversized shirt was the first to go. America felt his body get even hotter than it already was.

England didn't seem like an athletic man, however, his abs begged to differ. He had the six pack of some kind of cross fit trainer. America bit his lip as his eyes trailed down the golden hair leading from England's bellybutton to the hem of his boxers.

Next, England flung his boxers aside, leaving him completely nude. America felt insecure as he became exremely aware of his pudgy stomach. All those hamburgers and donuts did not do wonders for his body.

He was not left with much more time to think because sudden his back was on the shower wall and England's lips were consuming his own. America arched his back slightly due to the frigid temperature shower wall, but his mind didn't even register it as it swam with everything about England. His taste, his smell, his everything. England was his everything.

England broke their kiss. "Would it be okay if I jacked us off together rather than me putting my dick in you? I'm a bit too tired for that right now," he asked, his eyes questioning America's own baby blues. America simply nodded in response.

Before doing anything else, England took time to marvel over the American's body. His squishy stomach made a flock of butterflies madly flutter within his own stomach. America looked away in embarrassment. England slowly ran his hands over it, causing goosebumps to form on America's arms and thighs.

"E-England, what are you doing, " he shifted uncomfortably. "I'm sorry, you're just so cute," England gushed. America felt his face get hot again. England took that as his cue to move on. He pressed their members together and started to moving his hand up and down.

America squirmed and let out a long moan. England, being spurred on by the American's reaction, sped his hand up. It was a feeling unlike any other to him. Jacking off by himself was one thing, but feeling the friction of someone else against himself was intoxicating. He could already feel himself nearing his end.

"England! I don't think- ah!- that I can last much longer!" America cried out, barely able to form the sentence as his mind clouded further as the heat began to pool in his lower abdomen.

"It's okay, I'm close too-" he moved his mouth right next to the shell of America's ear- "Let's cum together." England whispered seductively. America was pushed to his limit and a long, loud moan escaped him as he came hard into England's hand.

With a few finally tugs, England came as well, his vision going white for a bit from the intensity of his orgasm. He buried his head in America's shoulder. America wrapped his arms around England and they stood there for a while, the steady stream of water cleansing their bodies.

They finally turned off the water and dried themselves off. They walked back to England's room, not even bothering to put on any clothes. They climbed onto England's queen sized bed, America resting his head upon England's chest. England's scent made America feel safe and he fell into a peaceful slumber. England smiled and kissed the top of America's head before drifting off himself.

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