(NSFW) Turkey X Italy

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A/N: This was requested by SWITZERLANDS-AK47. I hope you like it :D Human names; Turkey:Sadik, Italy: Feliciano

Italy tried not to make it obvious that he was staring at the new exchange student. A gorgeous man from Turkey, his skin tanned, eyes amber colored, muscles, and a chiseled chin so sharp it seemed it could cut someone.

He felt a bit shallow, but he couldn't help but notice how attractive he was. His heart skipped a beat when the beautiful stranger looked his way. The Italian quickly looked away. From the corner of his eye, he could see the man gazing at him with curiosity.

A week passed by like this, Feliciano staring at the handsome exchange student, whose name he discovered was Sadik, and getting caught staring only to be stared back at. He was at his wits end and wanted to do something about his attraction.

He had been so wrapped up in his thoughts he hadn't even noticed the source of his conflict approach him. Sadik gently tapped of Feliciano's shoulder.

Feliciano jumped, staring into those bright eyes before trying to regain his composure.

"Uh...Hi!" He uttered lamely.

Sadik cocked an eyebrow.

"You are Feliciano, right?" Sadik asked.

Feliciano nodded, not trusting himself to not spew nonsense at the shock of the stranger knowing his name.

"I know this is sudden, but I find you extremely cute and I wanted to be intimate with you, if that's okay." Sadik boldly confessed.

Feliciano was stunned by his straightforwardness and at the fact that Sadik was attracted to him as well. He nodded dumbly.

"Good. Can I take you to my place after school? My family will be out of town this weekend."

"Yes. I would love to go with you." Feliciano said with a small smile.

Sadik smiled warmly before taking Feliciano's hand in his own and kissing it tenderly. Feliciano blushed and watched as Sadik cooly walked away. Feliciano couldn't wait for school to end.

When his final class let out, he found Sadik waiting for him outside the classroom. They walked together through the school, out to the street, and into the apartment complex near the school.

When they entered the apartment, Feliciano took in the surroundings. The apartment was filled with beautiful paintings and the room smelled pleasant. Sadik led them to his room.

When they entered the room, they both sat on the bed.

"I hope I did not make you uncomfortable. Please do not feel you have to do this if it is not what you wish. I know it is strange to have sex with someone you just met so I won't feel bad if you change your mind." Sadik gave Feliciano another warm smile.

With a speech like that, Feliciano knew he already trusted Sadik. He smiled and slowly leaned his face into Sadik's. Sadik met him halfway. Their lips caressed over and over again. Feliciano could tell Sadik was being careful as to not push anything to far.

Feliciano kissed him deeper, wrapping his arms around Sadik's waist as he scooted closer. Sadik gently took Feliciano's face in his hands, one had cupping his cheek while the other tucked a strand of hair behind his ear.

Feliciano felt butterflies in his stomach at how gently and carefully he was being handled. He felt precious and adored. He tugged at Sadik's shirt.

Sadik promptly removed it and tossed it aside. Feliciano blushed at Sadik's toned abdomen. He ran his hand along the tanned skin. Sadik smiled and took his hand, giving it a kiss as he had earlier at school.

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