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A/N: Requested by YennariPlus6. I hope you like it :D

All of the countries were at a last minute world conference meeting. It was very early in the morning, so pretty much everyone looked exhausted; To America's surprise, Italy included. He watched as the sleepy Italy put his head down on the table. As he did that, America noticed there was a very short strand of spaghetti in Italy's hair.

The rest of the meeting, America stared at Italy and the spaghetti in his hair. He couldn't help but think how cute Italy looked. As everyone left, Italy was still asleep. It seemed Germany hadn't noticed Italy stayed behind. America walked over to Italy and gently shook his shoulder.

Italy opened his eyes to see America towering over him. He jumped up from his seat and looked up at America. "Oh, sorry I fell asleep." He said. "Um Italy, you have spaghetti in your hair." America said reaching out and removing it.

Italy giggled. "That's what I get for trying to put spaghetti in the blender." He said shyly and rubbing the back of his neck. "Why?" America asked, amused at the little Italian's antics. Italy looked into America's sky blue eyes that were bright with amusement and curiosity. He got lost in them for a bit before realizing America had asked him a question. " Uh, oh I was uh, just experimenting."

"You're so cute." America said, the corners of his eyes crinkling as he gave Italy a big smile. "Come on, we should get out of here now." He said, patting the top of the Italian's head. Italy blushed but followed him thinking about how cute and handsome the American was himself.

He smiled to himself and caught up to America, standing side by side with him. America linked their arms and gave Italy a small wink.

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