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A/N: Requested by TheTrueRoseClan. I will be using human names. 2p!Italy: Luciano, 2p!Prussia: Wolfgang. [I know I say this all the time, but I mean it XD] I hope you like it ^-^

"Look I said I'm sorry." Luciano said to Wolfgang. Luciano had said some pretty insulting things to Wolfgang earlier and it had made him so upset that he started to cry.

"I'll do anything to make it up to you." Luciano slightly begged. He actually felt bad. Wolfgang looked at him and sniffled. "C-could you give me a hug." He asked childishly. Luciano sighed and awkwardly embraced Wolfgang.

Wolfgang stole a swift kiss from Luciano on the lips and then ran off, knowing he would get a headstart as Luciano processed what just happened. Luciano's face turned all red like a tomato and his eyes went wide.

"Wolfgang!" He yelled then began to chase after the sound of mischievous laughter.
A/N: Sorry if it's too short :/ I just sorta thought this little situation fit them. I believe that 2p!Prussia would still have some of his 1p's mischief. Thanks for requesting :D

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