(NSFW) Nyo!Gerita

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A/N: This was requested by QuennOfTheNerds. I hope you like it :3 Hetalia High School/Gakuen AU, real names will be used. Fem!Italy: Feliciana, Fem!Germany: Monika, and any other character I name will tell who they are in these signs--> [ ]

"What?! Seriously?! You've never had se-" Monika cut Feliciana off by covering her mouth. "Shh! Yes, it's true, but could you not let the whole world know about it?!" Monika exclaimed. Feliciana had been shocked to discover that Monika had never had sex. They were both seniors attending Hetalia High School, so Feliciana had assumed Monika had to have messed around at least once.
"Didn't you ever have a boyfriend or something?" Feliciana asked. Monika looked away. She was in the closet and her crush just happened to be this pasta-loving Italian. Monika had kept her feelings and sexuality a secret. She had always known that she wasn't interested in boys from a very young age. All the kids used to bully her because her supposed "best friend", who she told about her not liking boys, ratted her out to the whole class.
The bullying got so bad that she had to move schools. Ever since then she had lost her trust and never told anyone about her sexuality, including Feliciana. So, since she wasn't interested in boys and didn't trust anyone, she had never been in a relationship, and therefore never had sex.
"No, I've never been in a relationship either." Monika said. "Well to be honest, the first person I had sex with wasn't a guy." Feliciana admitted, blushing. A little flutter of hope went through Monica's heart. "And...they were the only person so far." Feliciana added.
"So are you?..." Monika trailed off. "I'm lesbian." Feliciana admitted confidently with a smile. "And you?" She asked. Monika shifted a bit. "I am too." She said. "And your the first person I've told since I was in elementary school." She added. "Why is that?" Feliciana asked, cocking her head to the side curiously.
"I thought I could trust the person I confided in, but they told the whole class and I got bullied so badly I had to leave that place." Monika said. "Oh. I also have to tell you something else." Feliciana said.
"What is it?" Monika asked. "Okay, here it goes. I've loved you since freshman year." Feliciana confessed as calmly as she could. Monika's face heated up. "I-i love you too." She said, barely a whisper. "Yay!" Feliciana exclaimed and glomped Monika. "Hey, since it's Friday, can I go over yo your house?" Feliciana asked.
Monika nodded, still too stunned and too happy to speak. The tardy bell for last period rang, snapping Monika out of her trance. "Oh sheiße, we're late!" Monika said. They hurried to last period together. *Mini time skip* The final bell of the day rang and everyone raced to get out of class. Feliciana and Monika were on their way out when they ran into their friend Sakura Honda [Japan].
"Did the ship become canon?" She asked Feliciana. "Si!" Feliciana exclaimed happily as she took Monika's hand in hers. Monika looked at them with a bewildered look on her face. "I told her I like you and that I was gonna confess to you today." Feliciana answered. Monika nodded. "Werr, I have to go. See you two on Monday." Sakura said and went her own way. "Let's go."
Monika said and led Feliciana to her car. *time skip* Monika and Feliciana sat on the living room couch watching tv, when Monika's older sister, Julchen [Prussia] walked through through the front door. "Hey Monika, who is this?" she asked with a smirk. "I'm her girlfriend Feliciana! Nice to meet you!" Feliciana exclaimed happily.
Julchen's smirk widened. "Wow Monika, you finally scored one." She said. Monika blushed darkly. "Well, I have a date with Madeline [Canada] and I just came to tell you bye and I won't be coming home tonight." Julchen said. "Bye, be safe."
Monika said, giving her sister a hug. "Don't worry schwest and have fun." Julchen said with a wink as she walked out the door. Monika looked at the clock; It was 9 pm. "Won't your sister get mad at you for staying here?" Monika asked. Feliciana looked at the clock. "Actually, she has a date tonight as well and it's at our house, so she probably would have made me go somewhere else anyway." she replied.
"Can we go to your room?" she asked. "Okay." Monika replied. They went upstairs to Monika's room and sat on the bed. "Monika?" Feliciana asked suddenly looking shy. "Yes?" "You know how you've never...done "it"? Feliciana asked. Monika blushed. "Y-yes, what about it?" she asked. "Can we..." Feliciana trailed off too embarrassed to speak. Monika looked like tomato now. She nodded, unable to speak either.
Feliciana slowly and shyly climbed onto Monika's lap. They stared into each others eyes. Feliciana leaned in and their lips met. They started shyly and slowly, but it quickly got heated. Feliciana gently tugged on Monika's bottom lip with her teeth. Feliciana used her to tongue to explore Monika's mouth. Monika moaned and shuddered under Feliciana's touch.
Feliciana removed Monika's shirt, as well as her own. Monika blushed and looked away; She was very self conscious about her body. Feliciana smiled and lovingly leaned over and began to kiss Monika's neck. Monika's breath hitched as Feliciana found the sensitive part at the base of her neck. Monika once again shuddered when Feliciana palmed her breast through her bra. Feliciana wrapped her arm around the blond and unhooked her bra.
Monika blushed darkly, which only intensified when the brunette removed her own bra and tossed it aside. Feliciana gently dragged her nails in circles on Monika's back, causing goosebumps to form on her arm. Feliciana left a trail of fluttery kisses, not forgetting to leave one in the space in between Monika's breasts.
She gasped as the brunette gently put her mouth around one of her nipples and toyed with the other using her hand. Monika let out a sweet, little moan, causing Feliciana's heart to flutter. Monika was suddenly confused as she felt a wetness in between her legs. Feliciana looked up.
"Are you alright?" She asked. "I-i feel...wet." the blonde replied innocently. "Don't worry, that's normal. It's because you're aroused." Feliciana reassured. Monika blushed at how shamelessly she said it. "If you want me to skip the foreplay, it's okay just tell me." Feliciana said with with a small smile. Monika could only nod. Feliciana unbuckled the blonde's belt, as well as her own. She pulled down Monika's pants and underwear, leaving her completely nude.
"You ready?" Feliciana asked. Monika nodded. The brunette spread her legs slowly. She used her right middle finger to gently rub circles on Monika's clit. Monika tried to stifle a moan as she slightly bucked her hips. Feliciana couldn't help but bite her lip as she watched the blonde melt under her touch.
Monika let our little mewls as Feliciana hit it just right. By this point, the brunette was so aroused, it was uncomfortable. With one hand, she removed her pants and underwear, all the while pleasuring her lover. She shifted her potion, removing her finger and replacing it with her tongue.
Monika moaned loudly and gripped the pillow behind her. Feliciana used her tongue slowly and passionately, drawing out more heated moans from Monika.
Feliciana multitasked. While continuing to use her tongue, she stuck her middle ad ring finger into Monika's entrance. Monika almost screamed (In a good way) from the intense feelings running through her body. Feliciana thrusted her fingers at the same interval as she licked the blonde's clit.
Monika was a trembling mess. She panted as lovely moans spilled from her lips. With her other hand, Feliciana rubbed her own clit. She expertly pleasured Monika and herself as the same time. Every one of Monika's moans brought the brunette closer to the edge.
The blonde felt the build up to her climax. "Feliciana...I'm close." She said breathlessly. Feliciana sped up. Thrusting her fingers harder and faster. Monika finally let out a long, sweet moan as she reached her climax. Her body shivered and twitched with intense pleasure. Feliciana came just moments later. She gripped Monika's thigh and let out a loud moan.
Monika blushed as Feliciana licked her essence off of her fingers and lips. The brunette looked up at her. "How did that feel?" She asked with a giggle. "It felt great." Monika said with a soft smile.
"Please spend the night here with me, Feliciana." Monika asked. "Of course!" Feliciana beamed with joy.
Monika turned the lamp on her nightstand off and pulled Feliciana into her arms. "Goodnight Monika." The brunette sang. Monika smiled. "Goodnight, I love you."
A/N: I am SO sorry that I took this long. I haven't had any ideas, and plus I've been paying attention to other fandoms more. Sorry :/ But good news. I will be finishing all the requests soon. Like if not tomorrow, then after Wednesday, because I have final exams. So, to all of you who have been patiently waiting, thanks so much for waiting and I'll have the stories out soon ^-^

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