(NSFW) GermanyxNyo!Italy

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WARNING: This is a smut/lemon oneshot. Don't like? Don't read.

A/N: This will start off angsty and turn into a lemon. Sorry if it sucks I'm not used to writing hetero smut and I don't have much experience reading it. I tried my best though.

Germany sat in his room silently looking out the window. He had gotten into a huge fight with his brother and ugly things had been said. Germany felt bad seeing Prussia's hurt facial expression as he stormed out of Germany's house without a word. He tried so hard to get along with his older brother, but it was just so hard sometimes. Germany heard a knock at the door. "Germany are you alright? May I come in?" Italy asked from the other side of the door. Germany got up and opened the door. He looked at the beautiful girl in front of him. He absolutely adored everything about her. Her kind, loving nature, her long auburn hair, and her beautiful amber eyes (whenever they were open). "Ve~ Germany are you alright." she asked. Germany didn't know why, but at that moment he lost all of his composure and tears poured down his face. "Nein" Germany said turning away from her. "Germany please look at me." Italy asked gently. He turned around and Italy pulled him into a hug. Germany instantly hugged her back. They stayed that way for a while then looked into each others eyes. Germany leaned in and his lips met with Italy's. She kissed back eagerly wrapping her arms around Germany's neck. Their lips moved in perfect sync. Germany was running his fingers through Italy's hair when he accidentally touched her curl. "Ah! G-germany you touched my curl." Italy said. Germany was a bit confused. "Did I hurt you?" Germany asked worriedly. "N-no you uh..." Italy looked down and blushed. "I what?" Germany asked. "You turned me on." Italy said blushing even darker. Germany blushed. "Now it's my turn then." Italy said. "Wha- Ah!" Germany moaned as Italy palmed him through his pants. He bucked his hips into the Italian's hand. Germany couldn't take it any longer. He gently pushed Italy down on the bed and climbed on top of her. Germany put his mouth to Italy's curl and started sucking on it. "Germany!" Italy moaned. Germany removed Italy's shirt and sucked on her delicate skin, leaving hickeys and love bites all over. "G-germany I want you now. Can we skip the foreplay?" Italy practically begged. "Anything for you meine liebe." Germany said kissing her forehead. Germany slipped of Italy's skirts and underwear,  leaving her in just her bra. Germany felt himself get even harder at the sight of Italy's body. He quickly undressed himself and positioned himself at Italy's entrance. "Alright meine liebe, just tell me if it hurts too much and I'll stop, okay?" Germany asked. Italy nodded her head and braced herself. Germany entered her slowly, not wanting to hurt Italy. "Ah! Germany!" the Italian moaned slightly in pain. Once Germany was all the way in, her stayed still to let Italy adjust to the feeling. She, nodded telling him it was alright. Germany slowly pulled out and thrust back in. He repeated this, finding it became easier each time. Italy moaned softly in bliss, making Germany smile. He started picking up speed. "Ah! Germany there!" Italy yelled. Germany thrusted into the Italian's sweet spot once again, and she dug her nails into his back. He hit her sweet spot perfectly over and over again, causing Italy to become a moaning mess. Germany thrusted hardly one last time, pushing them both over the edge. Germany moaned as his seed filled Italy. He pulled out and sat Italy on his lap, hugging her. "Ich liebe dich, meine liebe." Germany said, softly kissing Italy's lips. She smiled. "Ti amo Germania." she said, hugging him tighter. "Now you need to go call your brother. You all can't just stop talking to each other." Italy said. "Your right." Germany agreed. *two weeks later*. "So Italy, what did you need to talk about?" Germany asked. "Um please sit down first." Italy said, biting her lip. He sat down. "Is everything okay?" he asked worriedly. "Yes um, I, well, here it goes. I'm pregnant." Italy said. Germany sat there taking in what she had just said. He got up and hugged her. "I'm going to be a vatti?" Germany asked. "Si" she replied. He kissed her forehead. "Then I'll be the best vatti I can be for our baby." Germany said smiling. Italy smiled brighter than she ever had.


Author's note: Sorry if this sucked. Like I said, I'm not used to writing hetero smut and I haven't read many hetero lemons but I tried my best. Thanks for requesting HannahTennyson and I hope you liked it.

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