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A/N: Requested by GothicKitty13. Hope you like it ^-^

Japan was walking home when he saw a cat. He went up to it and pet it. "Herro neko, who do you belong to?" Japan asked the cat. The cat meowed in response and rubbed its head against Japan's hand. Japan saw a collar. He lifted it up and it said that the cat belonged to Greece. Japan blushed a bit.  He decided that he would return the cat to Greece himself.  He walked to Greece's house, admiring the cherry blossom trees that he saw on the way there. He gently knocked on Greece's door. Greece opened the door. "Japan, you found my cat." Greece said sleepily, but happily. Japan nodded. "Please come in." Greece said. "Thank you." Japan said and walked in. As soon as Japan sat down, Greece sat next to him and hugged him. Japan blushed darkly. "U-um Greece-san, what are you doing?" He stuttered. "I had been wanting to see you. I have something to tell you." Greece replied quietly. Japan just nodded,  too shy to even say anything. "I love you." Greece said. Japan's eyes widened. "I-i-" Japan stuttered again. Greece gently kissed Japan's forehead. Japan calmed himself down a bit. "I-i rove you too, Greece-san." He said. All of Greece's cats meowed in joy. Greece chuckled and cuddled Japan. Japan gave a small smile and cuddled Greece back.

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