(NSFW) Itacest

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A/N: For my readers who don't like itacest, I'm sorry just don't read this one. But for those who do, Bowchickawowwow. Sorry couldn't resist XD

"Ah! Lovi! Harder please! " Italy pleaded. He was a melting mess beneath Romano. His cheeks were flushed and he had a flustered expression. Romano smirked. "Look at you Feli, you're a hot mess." He said. "Ti amo!" Italy said with a moan.

Romano awoke with a start. He was covered in sweat and breathing hard. He looked and saw Italy sound asleep next to him. He mentally cursed as he realized he was hard. (Why the hell would I have a dream like that?!) he asked himself. Italy stirred and looked at Romano. "Fratello are you..." Italy cut himself off. Romano saw he was looking at his erection. "Don't look!" Romano said, turning to the other side. "I could help you with that." Italy said. Romano's eyes widened. "Shut up stupid bastard!" he yelled, blushing like a tomato. Italy suddenly climbed over him. "What are you doing?! Get of me!" Romano yelled, struggling against Italy. Italy smiled at him and went down to Romano's legs. He removed Romano's boxers, exposing his hardedned member. Italy took him into his mouth. "Ah!" Romano moaned. "N-no! Stop it y-you bastard!" Romano yelled through moans. Italy payed no attention, he focused on getting Romano off. He bobbed his head up and down, humming slightly. Unlike his dream, this time Romano was the hot mess. He panted and threaded his fingers through Italy's hair. Romano purposely pulled Italy's curl, making him moan loudly. Italy roughly hit Romano's tip with his tongue, sending him over the edge. Italy swallowed his seed and pulled away. Italy now had an erection of his own. He blushed and palmed himself through his boxers. Romano was hard again in an instant. He pushed Italy beneath him. "You started this, we're gonna finish it." he said. He took off Italy's boxers, leaving him naked as well. [They don't sleep with shirts on ;)]. "Fratello, I'm scared. It's gonna hurt isn't it." Italy asked. "Only for a little bit. I'll go slow." Romano reassured. He put his fingers in front of Italy's mouth. "Suck." He commanded. Italy did as he was told. He swirled his tongue around Romano's fingers, covering them in spit. Romano slowly put one finger in Italy's entrance, gaining a pained moan. Romano waited for Italy to say okay, then added another digit. He slowly scissored Italy. "I'm ready fratello." Italy said. Romano nodded and took out his fingers. He slowly entered Italy. "Ah!" Italy moaned in pain. Tears slid down his face. "Shh it's okay, it'll feel better soon." He kissed Italy's forehead. He repeatedly pulled out and thrusted back in. "Ah! Lovino!" Italy yelled. Romano thrusted hard in the same spot he just had. Italy moaned louder, gripping the edges of the bed. Romano roughly hit Italy's sweet spot over and over again. By now Italy was falling apart. "Lovi I'm g-gonna!" Italy was cut off as he came, tightening around Romano causing him to cum too. Romano lied down next to Italy. Italy hugged Romano. "I love you Lovi." Italy said. "I love you too you bastard." Romano said, blushing and rolling his eyes.


A/N: Sorry if this wasn't good. I felt awkward writing it. I do love this ship and lemons of this pairing, but I felt awkward actually writing it myself. Thanks for requesting XxCxiiAnimexX and I hope you liked it.

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