(NSFW) GermanyxItalyxPrussia

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A/N: This was requested by iamawesome80. I hope that you enjoy it :3

Italy bucked his hips as Prussia took him into his mouth. He knew that if it was not for his mouth being busy, the devious Prussian would be flashing him a devilish smile. Italy clasped his hand over his mouth forcing down the sound of his arousel.

"Italy, don't try to hide your noises, they're hot." Said the German behind in a low voice. The Italian bit his lip as a whimper escaped him.

Italy sat with his back facing the German's front, while the Prussian was in between his legs. Germany teased Italy's already rock hard nipples. It was all beginning to become to much for the Italian.

His moans only served to make the brothers tease him more. Prussia bobbed his head up and down Italy's dick. Germany nipped and licked the shell of his ear, making him shutter. He turned his head and caught the Germans lips.

Italy let Germany take control of the kiss, his mind too fuzzy from all the attention he was receiving to focus on taking the lead. He moaned softly when Germany bit down on his bottom lip and pulled slightly. Drool was leaking down the sides of Italy's mouth.

Prussia picked up speed, his skilled mouth, drawing out moans that became louder and louder. Italy's breathing also picked up and as the heat pulled in his stomach, he became an absolute hot mess.

Italy screamed into Germany's mouth as he came so hard he saw stars.

Italy awoke abruptly. He was covered in sweat and he was breathing as though he had just ran a marathon. "I can't believe I just dreamed about that." He thought to himself, feeling slightly embarrassed that his mind would create something like that.

He closed his eyes and bit his lip, thinking that maybe one day, he would work up the courage to make that dream a reality.

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