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"Ugh why do you smother me?!" Al yelled at Oliver. Al had stayed out really late last night and had gotten scolded by Oliver. "I'm not smothering you, I was just worried for your safety. Who knows what could've happened to you?" Oliver replied. "Well I'm not a baby, I can take care of myself!" Al said. "Allen I-" "I hate you! Leave me alone!" Al interrupted. Oliver was stunned; He stood there completely quiet. Al immediately regretted what he had said. "Oliver I'm sorry I-" Al was cut off as Oliver turned around and ran out the front door. "Oliver wait!" Al yelled, chasing after him. By the time Al had gotten outside, Oliver was out of sight. "Dammit! What do I always have to mess things up?!" He yelled at himself. Oliver ran through the forest, tears blurred his vision. His foot got caught on something, making him fall down hard. "Ow that bloody hurt!" He yelled. He could no longer hold back his tears and they spilled down his face. Oliver looked at the damage. His ankle was twisted, he had a scratch on his knee and a gash on his elbow. He felt something warm running down his forehead. He touched his head and looked at his fingers; they were covered in blood. "Bloody hell, what do I do?" Oliver asked himself. He cried harder, his sobs echoed through the forest and racked his aching body. "Oliver!" Al yelled from behind him. Al bent down next to Oliver, examining his injuries. "I'm sorry, let's get you home." Al said. "No I can take care of myself! I wouldn't want to bother you with my presence!" Oliver protested. Al felt guilt in his stomach. "Look, I'm sorry I said those things. You know how I get when I'm mad. I-I love you Oliver." Al said blushing. "Well you're pretty much my only friend, of course I love you." Oliver replied. Al smiled. "Oh Oliver, naive as always." Al said. "What do you mean I-" Al kissed Oliver. (Oh, so that is the kind of love he meant). Oliver thought to himself. He kissed back sweetly. Al pulled away. "As much as I would love to keep doing this, we need to get you back home and treat your injuries." Al said. Oliver nodded. Al scooped Oliver up in his arms and walked back home carefully. When they got home, Matt and François were in the kitchen. "What happened?" Matt asked. "I tripped and fell." Oliver replied. "Yeah, can you all help me with him. He has a twisted ankle, a scratch and two gashes." Al said. They nodded. *Mini timeskip* Matt and François had gone up stairs to their respective rooms, leaving Al and Oliver alone. "I love you Al." Oliver said. "I love you too." Al said kissing Oliver's head lightly. Unknown to them, Matt and François were secretly watching from upstairs. "I told you, you owe me 10 bucks." Matt said to François. François rolled his eyes.
A/N: Thanks for requesting AveryLunaRocker. I hope you liked it :3

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