CH 28: Explanations

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In my life, I had made some pretty crappy decisions. But, my feelings were, that as long a I didn't come back from the future to stop myself from making a huge mistake, how bad could it be. Right?

Jason would disagree.

And I avoided him like my life depended on it.

I mean, what kind of a person would I be, if I let someone get attached based on my current situation?

So every time I entered a room, and Jason was there, I would cling to any other human being. I would to Barbara, to Dick, to Cass, to Tim, and even to Damian. I could interact with these people, because they didn't love me the same way that I loved Jason. It would be easier for them to let me go, than it ever would for him.

That didn't deter him from his goal. Jason would try to reach out to me, almost begging me to listen, but before he ever got the chance, I would disappear from the room.

The BatBoys were sick of the lovesick pining distracting them throughout the Manor, or at least, that's what they told me.

What I didn't expect, is to be ambushed, hogtied, and thrown into a closet.

And I didn't expect to land on top of Jason.

I immediately move to the side off of him, and rip myself out of my bonds. Panicking, I stand to start banging on the door. When I realize why no one is bothering to come and help, I know exactly who's fault it is.

"Richard John Grayson." I said menacingly, pulling out the big guns. No one ever said Dick's full name unless he was in deep trouble.

"What?" He asks, trying to keep his tone even.

Jason is shuffling behind me, still getting out of his bonds because there's barely any room for usin here.

"Where's Bruce? I think he'd love to know that -"

"He's at Wayne Enterprises." Tim said, "In a meeting right now. We have a couple of hours for you guys to work this out. It's bothering everyone else in the house," Tim said.

"We don't appreciate being in the middle of it. So chop chop." Dick says, as the somewhat responsible older brother.

"Yes, it is very aggravating to see your little lover's spat, when it is easily reconcilable." Mind you, Damian is a ex-assassin/middle schooler, trying to be as tolerable as possible.

"Damian, did you just agree with me?" Tim asks. I can hear the surprise in his voice.

Damian bugs out, "No I did not, Drake, I take it back-"

"No, no, no, you said it! No take backs!" Tim says victoriously.

Jason stands up behind me. It 's a tight fit in here. I don't dare turn around and face him.

"Where's Alfred? He'll get us out of here!" I say, sweating from being in an enclosed space, or maybe it's the nervousness of being stuck with him.

I can feel Damian's smirk through the door, "Out getting groceries. He'll be another hour at least." I check my pocket for my phone, and it's gone. "And you don't have your phones to call him." Damian snickers.

I try to control my breath, but I feel I'm about to breath fire out of pure rage. "When I get out of here, I am going to kill you guys-"

"I thought that was my thing." Jason says, not thinking the phrasing through.

I turn on the light in the closet, and turn around to give him a deadly glare. Never once did I think that Jason Peter Todd, the Red Hood, would ever shy away from my looks, after begging for their attention for so long.

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