- prelude

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Malfoy Manor

"We have two new... guests." Voldemort announced.

Draco and Narcissa Malfoy turned their heads to Sayaka Van Vries and Flynn Miabello.

Flynn, who was from Italy, had sleek black hair and bright blue eyes. He scanned his eyes over the group of people, but said nothing.

"Sayaka chose wisely." Morana Van Vries, Sayaka's mother, said.

"That she did." Voldemort replied as he held out his hand, "Come here."

Sayaka reluctantly walked forward to him. By now, the tips of her fingers were completely black and small cracks of black, like lightening, were around her eyes.

"Sayaka... the extension of, me." He said as Sayaka took his hand.

She looked to her mother, who looked perfectly satisfied with the fact that she offered her daughter up to the Dark Lord. Sayaka closed her eyes in disgust as he ran a sharp nail over her cheek, "What great use you shall be."

Flynn watched the scene play out stone-faced. He felt the eyes of Lavinia Black on him, but he didn't dare to look at her.

Voldemort shifted his attention from Sayaka to Flynn, "And what do you have to offer?"

"Only my loyalty, sir."

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