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When Aurora and George broke the news to the Order that they were together, they got mostly positive reactions, or no reaction at all.

Of course, Molly and Arthur were ecstatic. Margot, Romare, and Maxwell all gave them a congratulations, Mad-Eye huffed and asked how that was relevant to the war going on outside, and Kingsley gave a simple nod of his head with a small smile. Tonks was as excited as Molly and Arthur, yelling I knew it to Remus before congratulating the two. 

It was the reaction of Althena and Remus that mattered to Aurora the most. 

"You know, being with him now will make what we do a lot scarier." Althena said as Aurora watched Remus speak with George outside, looking more firm than usual. She could see the fear on George's face, making her worry that Remus was doing the usual dad threat. Althena picked up on it and smiled softly, "Somebody has to be the overly protective one. Your father would have George in tears right about now."

"Remus is too nice for that."

"That he is." Althena said, "But he does feel quite protective of you, for obvious reasons."

Aurora sighed, "I know being with someone will make missions and this all more difficult, but, having a little light in your life makes everything more bearable."

Althena smiled softly and brought Aurora in for an unexpected hug. She found quick comfort in her Aunt's embrace, "You're growing up so fast, Merlin, I remember when you were learning to walk and when you said your first word."

The two pulled apart, "What was it?"

"Fuck. Your father cursed like a sailor. You said it when I was babysitting you with James and Lily. We all panicked not knowing if we should tell your parents or not, partially because they weren't there and because of the word." Althena fondly said, "Funny day, that was."

"I wish I could remember." Aurora said, "Wish I could remember my mother."

"She was incredible, Aurora. In words I can't form." Althena said as she softly brought her palm to Aurora's cheek, "She would be proud to see the woman you've become, I hope you know that."

Aurora nodded as Althena removed her hand, "I can feel them all sometimes. My parents, Augustus, Cedric..."

"You don't feel guilty for falling for someone else, do you?" Althena asked, concerned. 

She quickly shook her head, "No no, I don't. I know he would have wanted me to find love again."

"I've noticed the way George looks at you. It's the same look your father always had in his eyes when he would look at your mother. I just wish they could see you happy with him." Althena sadly said. 

"You're giving me a speech like I'm about to get married." Aurora said with a light smile, "We've only been together for a day."

"There's no timetable for love, Aurora."

The door opened, Remus and George walking inside. George looked slightly pale while Remus gave the two women a soft smile, "So, good talk."

"Wonderful." Althena said as she glanced at George, "Are you all right?"

He swallowed dryly and gave a slight nod, "Spectacular."

Remus and Althena left the Burrow to go back to their respective homes, leaving Aurora and George. She walked to him, "Please don't tell me he threatened you."

"Well, I don't want to start our relationship off on a lie..."

She sighed and leant her forehead on his chest, "Bloody hell, don't tell me you're going to run for the hills now."

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