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12 Grimmauld Place

Althena stood in in the living room looking at herself in a mirror, tracing her finger along the new scar on her neck. Due to her being a Vampire, it didn't take long for it to heal.

"Does it hurt?" Tonks asked as she walked into the room.

Althena looked away from the mirror, "Not anymore. This isn't actually the first scar I've received from a lycanthrope."

Tonks sat down, "Remus?"

"The last time Remus and I saw one another before a few years ago was at James, Lily, and Diana's funeral. I don't know why we parted ways, I suppose we just reminded one another of everything we had lost. During that time, I was attacked, as you know. When Remus and I came into contact again, as you know, we attacked one another and we both almost ended up dead." Althena said as she moved up her shirt, revealing large claw marks on her ribs. She lowered her shirt back down after Tonks got a good look, "Don't tell him I showed you that. He still feels terrible about it."

Tonks was quiet for a few moments before something clicked, "There is a bite mark on his shoulder, but he never would tell me how he got it."

"That was from yours truly." Althena said, "Nothing happened to him due to the fact that he was already transformed. Bit unfair, it is. If he's bitten by a vampire during transformation, nothing happens. But if I get bit, I'd be dead within the hour."

Tonks' face scrunched up in disgust, "You drank his blood?"

"Don't remind me. It makes me feel physically sick just thinking about it." Althena said as she sat down with a sigh, "Remus has been through hell and back. He deserves to finally be happy with you. I can see how much he loves you."

"He was so scared of it, you know? Kept saying he was too dangerous for me."

"He's lost so much, Tonks. I think now he thinks the only way to keep everyone he loves alive is to distance himself."

She nodded sadly, "All I have to give him is my love. I just hope that's enough."

"It is."

There was a small meeting with the few members of the Order that were available, and after that, Althena found herself walking up to Sirius's bedroom. This wasn't anything new, for her to just sit on his bed, it was the closest she could get to him now.

A soft knock at the door brought her out of her daydream. She looked to Aurora, who had her wavy hair tied up into a bun, dressed in black skinny jeans, a form fitting red t shirt, and her father's leather jacket, "There was quite a bit that was able to be salvaged at the Burrow. Molly and Arthur had a charm on quite a few of their things."

"Did you?"

She shook her head, "Only on a small trunk of things. I'm thankful I was wearing this thing when the attack happened." She said, glancing down at her jacket, "But most of my things are still here."

"Are you moving back here?" Althena questioned, "I haven't done anything with your bedroom."

Aurora shrugged as she glanced around the room, having never been inside of it before, "I don't know. There are some spots that are still sore."

Althena stood up, "Probably for the best. The St. Clair Manor is much better protected and it's in better condition." She said, walking past Aurora out of the bedroom.

Aurora took one last look at the room before walking out, shutting the door. She followed her aunt downstairs, taking off her jacket due to how warm it was in the house. They walked into the kitchen, and Aurora draped her jacket over a chair and said her hellos to Remus and Tonks.

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