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Early morning walks were not unusual for Aurora. It was a good time for her to clear her mind and have time to herself before the chaos of the day began.

She would often trail fields by Diagon Alley or even walk muggle streets. This morning, she decided to walk in Diagon Alley itself. She knew of the disappearances and the warnings she got from Remus and her aunt, but she ignored it.

Aurora turned into an alley, walking down it in silence. But her tranquility was quickly interrupted by the sounds of heels clicking behind her, "Lorelei."

Aurora whipped around, "Expelliarmus!"

Narcissa Malfoy's wand flew into the air, flying onto the roof of a shorter building to their left. She looked in the direction of it before turning to Aurora, "You've been training."

She walked to her with her wand held out, "What do you want."

"I wanted to see you."

"Bullshit." Aurora snapped, holding her wand under Narcissa's chin, "You never wanted to see me when I was under your thumb. What makes you think I believe you've changed?"

Narcissa stared down at her, her head tilted back lightly, "Go ahead then, kill me."

Aurora didn't move. She kept her wand firm under her chin, "Why are you here."


She pushed her wand harder into her skin, "That's not my name."

Narcissa smiled lightly, "Don't forget where you come from. You may be a Black, but you were raised a Malfoy. You know better."

"Do I?" Aurora questioned, "I can turn the tables quite easily, Narcissa. You may be a Malfoy, but you were raised a Black."

She smiled lightly, "Touché."

"Were you ordered to kill me? I'm afraid Lavinia is the one who wants the honor of doing that."

"How much you've grown." Narcissa commented, "Covering yourself with tattoos, wearing your father's jacket, you desperately want to fit in. Have you forgotten who raised you? Who took you into their arms instead of leaving you to rot at an orphanage?"

"You didn't raise me." Aurora scoffed, lowering her wand, "You sent me off abroad and went on vacations with Draco when I was home. You and Lucius never gave a damn about me."

"Lucius never cared for you, that is correct." Narcissa said a bit softer, "I did."

She shook her head, "No. If you're trying to guilt me or trick me into joining you, you're mistaken. I'm not that gullible."

"And where do you think you get that from?"

Aurora went quiet. Narcissa smiled lightly, "You might have the tendencies of your father, and certainly his looks. But I can tell by the way you subconsciously straighten your posture and look at everyone with nothing but bitterness and anger, you haven't changed."

"I was never like you all to begin with!" Aurora loudly said loudly, "I'm not your daughter. I'm not Lucius's daughter. I'm not a Malfoy. I never have been and never will be. You can't condition me into being what you are."

Narcissa pulled her shaw over her shoulders a bit tighter, "And what am I?"

"Cold and alone." Aurora said, turning away from her and walking down the alley.

"Lorelei." Narcissa called out.

Aurora reluctantly stopped, barely tilting her head to look back at Narcissa, "What."

"You'll find that your thirst for vengeance is going to trump your idea of the greater good."

"I already know that."

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