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The atmosphere around Weasley's Wizard Wheezes was awkward after that night between Fred and Estella, and what Fred said to Aurora only minutes after. 

Althena knew right away what happened, George being the first to tell her what happened. 

She huffed and walked into the storage room below the shop, putting a box away. Maxwell was writing away on a clipboard as he glanced between it and a box of extendable ears. 

"I'm starting to regret my decision working with children." She said, "I don't understand why they would do this to themselves considering they work together for Merlin's sake."

"It's no different from what happened between you and Sirius. Were you two not working together during the first war? Your relationship was not professional, it's not different from what's going on out there. I think you've just forgotten what it's like to be young and living off of a good rush."

Althena slowly turned to him, "That's the most I've ever heard you say at once."

He smiled softly as he put down the clipboard, "All I'm saying is... don't be so quick to judge. We were all like them when we were younger one way or another."

"You're still young." Althena commented. 

He nodded as he sat down in a chair, "I feel like I'm nearing 100, and I don't think my bad back is helping."

"Become a vampire. Won't have to deal with that anymore." Althena joked. 

Maxwell gave a small hmp with his soft smile still plastered on his face, "I've thought about it." 

The door burst open and Aurora came walking in with a huff, "They are insufferable. Fred won't even look at her, it's bloody near impossible to get anything done."

"Well, don't leave George to deal with it alone." Althena said. 

"I'm off in five minutes. I've got training with Remus and Tonks." Aurora said.

Over the past few weeks, Aurora had been taught the gist of 7th year Hogwarts coursework while she worked at the shop. She learned the most from Remus, as he was a professor. 

Now, she was beginning real combat lessons. She would be switching out with members of the Order. Aurora said her goodbyes to everyone before meeting the two at 12 Grimmauld Place. 

She walked into the home, memories of her time when she lived here flooding her mind. She had been in the home multiple times since that tragic night, and it never failed to feel strange. 

Aurora walked upstairs and made her way to an empty bedroom where Augustus's things that he had at Hogwarts were. She sat on the bed and picked up his journal, "Have you read it?" 

She turned to Remus, who was leaning up against the doorframe, "No. You?"

He shook his head as Aurora put the book down, "His birthday is coming up. He would have been 19. Born on November 18." She said downly before standing up, "All right. Where are we training?"

"Somewhere a bit familiar." He said, holding out his hand. 

She took it, and the two apparated to the St. Claire Manor. 

"In here!" They heard Margot say from the kitchen. 

They walked through the house, finding the large and glamorous kitchen. Margot was back to normal, and she was sipping on fresh homemade hot coco, "Romare isn't home. But I can show you to the training room." She kindly said, "Hot coco?"

"Maybe after." Remus replied with a soft smile, "Where's Dora?"

She looked around, and as if of on cue, Tonks walked in with a cup of hot coco in her hand and whipped cream on her upper lip, "This is seriously some of the best–"

She stopped when she saw the two staring at her. Remus smiled softly and pointed to his own lip, "You've got a bit..."

She quickly darted her tongue out to lick the whipped cream from her lip, "Margot makes a wicked cup of coco." She said, "You two should really have some."

"They said after the training." Margot said as Tonks took another sip of the coco.

Margot led the three down a long spiral staircase, and to a large set of wooden double doors. She muttered a spell, and the doors opened up. They walked into a large room with various statues of knights, kings, queens, and various other noble people.

Margot waved her wand, and the candles on the wall all lit up one by one. On the walls, moving portraits of what looked like more noble people were watching the four as they whispered to one another. 

"These walls cannot be broken, so don't worry about having to be gentle."

"And the statues?" Remus questioned with his hands in his pockets. 

She shrugged, "Don't worry about them. If they break, they break. You might be able to bewitch them so they move, make training a bit more sufficient."

With that, Margot left the room. 

Remus and Tonks kept their lessons simple. They did basic dueling spells that Aurora already knew, but now she would be able to use them without fail. 

Almost 2 hours past when they finished. They walked back upstairs and found Margot and Romare in their living room. 

The two stood up, "How did it go?" Romare questioned. 

"Didn't teach her anything new today. Just basic defensive spells." Remus replied. 

"I have a feeling Aurora will give us all a run for our money when she's trained more." Tonks said as she winked at Aurora. 

Margot clapped her hands together excitedly, "So, how about that hot coco?"

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