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It was over three hours until Fred and George apparated back to the St. Clarie Manor with their older brother and curse-breaker, Bill Weasley.

Bill wasted no time, he asked only what was necessary. Althena assisted him and it took another two hours to finally break the rune.

As soon as Lavinia saw the flames drop, she disaparated away before they could attack her. Althena was the first to rush to her side, brushing the hair out of her sweaty face. George was on the other side of her, "I-Is she alive?" He worriedly asked. 

Althena nodded as Aurora began to stir. She tried to fight back against Althena's grip, thinking it was still Lavinia. Althena easily held her down, "Aurora. It's me. It's Althena." She softly said. 

Her eyes snapped open with a loud gasp, like she had just come up for air after being underwater. She looked everyone surrounding her with tired eyes. 

She said nothing as she was picked up by someone she couldn't identify. All she remembered seeing was a purple tie that brought her a strange sense of comfort. She didn't remember the events between being brought back inside and her lying in a bathtub with Althena, Tonks and Margot sitting in the bathroom with her. 

Aurora had her arms around her shins, her chest pressed to her knees as Althena dragged a soapy sponge over her bare back. She stared ahead blankly as Althena pushed her shoulder lightly, signaling her to lie back. 

Margot laid a cold cloth over her forehead and behind her neck, bewitching it so that it would not lose its coldness. Aurora stayed in the bath for over 30 minutes before she was helped out and dressed. She was laid down in a bed that brought her sore bones comfort, "Drink this." Margot said softly. Aurora took the blue potion, emptying the bottle before giving it back to Margot, "Should bring some pain relief, might even help you sleep."

Aurora brought the covers up to her chin and said nothing. Althena was at the door watching her worriedly and with guilt all over her face. Aurora caught her eyes, and turned on her side away from Althena. 

Before Margot could turn the light off, Aurora spoke up, "Keep the light on if I'm going to be left alone in here."

Margot complied, sharing a look with Althena before the two walked out. They made their way downstairs, "How long do you think she'll be like that?" Althena questioned.

"She was tortured for nearly nine hours, I doubt the pain will die down anytime soon, even with the potion." Remus said, "Let us be grateful that she came out with a chance of recovering. Frank and Alice suffered the same as she did for nearly the same amount of time and were not as lucky." He sadly said. 

Althena slowly turned to Flynn, who's wound was being sewn up by Romare, "I want answers from you. Whoever you are."

"Tomorrow, Althena." Romare said as Flynn took a drink of Meade, wincing in pain. 

Althena sighed and stormed out of the home, and everyone collectively agreed to leave her alone. 

"Bill has already gone?" Margot questioned. 

"He has." Arthur replied. 

"Crashed a date." Fred said, "Didn't look too happy when we showed up."

Remus put his elbows on his knees with a sigh, "We failed tonight. We stood around and just watched."

"You said it yourself, runes are very difficult to be broken." Margot said, "I think the only reason Bill and Althena were able to break it because of how fractured Lavinia's mind is." 

"You all need to get some rest." Romare said as he finished patching up Flynn, "Meet again when we're well rested."

"Sounds like a good idea." Molly tiredly said. 

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