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Everyone found asylum at the St. Clair Manor.

Everyone, other than Remus, was shocked to see that Althena had survived a gash to the neck. Romare stitched it up, and despite being use to dealing with wounds, he found himself wincing.

But it was silent. They were all awkwardly listening to the sound of Remus borderline yelling at Aurora in the other room.

"You never ever use a killing curse, Aurora! You cannot go back once you do that!"

"He was going to kill my aunt, Remus. He was the one who attacked you and Augustus. Stupefy wasn't going to do anything to him." Aurora argued back.

"That's not an excuse! I know damn well you know other curses to have gotten him off of her. Has the training you've been doing taught you nothing?!"

Aurora scoffed, "I cannot believe you're actually yelling at me for saving her life."

"I'm bloody grateful you did, Aurora. But taking a life... you do not understand the gravity of it."

"I do understand it!" Aurora yelled, "Everyone I ever loved was killed right in front of me. Has that registered to you? Cedric. Augustus. My father. Even my mother was killed in front of me. You're delusional if you think I'm going to just sit and watch someone else I love be killed."

The yelling went silent after that. Remus walked into the room, looking more tired than usual.

"Where'd she go?" George ask.

He tiredly shrugged as he sat down. Romare hooked up an IV to Althena, "Good old fashioned muggle medicine can be handy." He said as he hooked up a blood bag to it.

Margot gave her a cup of blood, "How are you feeling?"


"Where did you learn to do all of this?"  Harry asked Romare.

"I am a man of many talents." He simply replied.

"And this can't be sewn up with a flick of your wand?" Ron questioned.

Remus spoke up, "Werewolf scratches are a bit more complicated than that."

"Did you know about the attack?" Harry asked, turning to Flynn, who was slumped in a chair drinking red wine.

"I have not left this place since Lavinia attacked us." Flynn said, "And if I did, do you think I would have just let it happen? Come on, Potter, ask the questions that are relevant and make sense."

Harry slowly sunk into his spot as Ron struggled to hold back a smirk.

Outside the room, Aurora was walking down the stairs in a mood. She walked to the kitchen, eager for a glass of water. Her thoughts were interrupted by the sound of banging on the door.

She got her wand out carefully as she approached the door. She looked through the peep-hole, and didn't hesitate to open the door. Estella ran inside, tears streaming down her face.

"Shut the door!" She cried out.

Aurora quickly did so, locking the door with a spell that Margot and Romare taught her. She turned to Estella's panicked state, "What's going on?" She asked, taking note of her bloody lip and ash-covered skin and clothes.

"They're dead. They killed them." She wept loudly, her body visibly trembling.

"Who?" Aurora asked as a few people rushed to the two.

"What happened?" Tonks asked worriedly.

She turned to them, "T-They're dead. My parents. Death Eaters attacked and I couldn't save them, I had to leave before they would kill me too."

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