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"So he just... dumped her at Three Broomsticks?"

"Yes, Ronald, were you not able to figure that much out when we were there?" Hermione asked Ron as she sat with him and Harry at dinner.

"How long were they together for again?" Ron asked.

"Nearly 2 years." Hermione replied.

Ron stuffed his face with a chicken leg, "I'll be honest, I didn't expect that to happen. Kinda thought they were always gonna be together, you know?"

"She's single now." Harry spoke up as Hermione slowly turned to him.

"Don't you dare." She threatened.

Ron looked at her quizzically as Harry shrugged, "What? Not doing anything wrong."

"The fact that you can't see how that is wrong is actually comical!" Hermione exclaimed, "And if you think she's just going to fall into your arms, you are way in over your head."

Harry looked down at his food, "Thanks, Hermione." He mumbled.

Ron furrowed his eyebrows, "What are you two on about?"

Hermione rolled her eyes, "Honestly, Ronald, you don't know?" She asked. He looked at her blankly and she sighed, "Harry has a crush on her. He now wants to... pursue her, now that's she single."

"I don't see the issue. What's the issue?"

She groaned, "You two are impossible."

The next morning, Zoya was the last to join her friends for breakfast. Despite her tired eyes, she looked the same.

"H-How are you?" Harry asked from across the table.

She took a bite of toast, "I'll be okay." She mumbled.

Zoya was filled in on what she missed yesterday. The three saw Draco in Three Broomsticks when they followed Slughorn there briefly. And on their way back, a girl was cursed by a necklace.

Hermione tried lightened the mood by telling her how Ron got angry over Dean and Ginny, but got no reaction out of Zoya.

"Professor Slughorn actually invited you to a dinner party. Harry and I also were invited." Hermione said, "Did you get the letter?"


"Will you go?" She asked.

Zoya shrugged, "Maybe. I don't know."

"You should." Harry said quickly. Zoya slowly glanced at him and Harry sunk back lightly, "You know, just because– not everyone got an invite. Ron didn't."

"Thanks, mate." Ron mumbled.

The next week dragged on slow for Zoya, but, she had managed to keep her crying sessions hidden. She was a cheery as possible for her friends. Now, it was Saturday night, one week since her breakup with Fred.

She sat in between Hermione and Harry at a round table with other Hogwarts students and Slughorn. Luca Mayfield was across from her, he looked to be down as well.

Everyone was on the dessert portion now, which was ice cream in a large, martini like glass.

"So tell me Cormac, you see anything of your uncle Tiberius these days?" Slughron asked.

Cormac McLaggen was also there, making things very awkward for Hermione. He was sat across from the three, making it perfect for Cormac to attempt to make seductive looks at Hermione.

"Yes, Sir. In fact I meant to go hunting with him and the Minister of Magic over the holidays." He replied from beside him.

"Ah, well, be sure to give them both my best." Slughorn said before turning to a boy named Marcus, who was nearly finished with his dessert, "What about your uncle, Belby? For those of you who don't know, Marcus' uncle invented the Wolfsbane potion. Is he working on anything new?"

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