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Zoya ran to Hogsmeade excitedly, completely unaware of the events that happened in Diagon Alley just two hours before. She couldn't stay mad at Fred, and she knew it was useless to do so when she only got to see him during weekends now.

She met him inside Three Broomsticks, and he had already ordered Butterbeer and fresh pastries. He stood up from his spot and pulled her in for a tight hug when she walked up to him.

"I missed you." She said, her words muffled into his shoulder.

"Missed you more."

She sat down across from him, "How have you been?"

"Not too bad. Business is great." He brightly said, "Aurora finally came out of her room. I think George has a thing for her."

Zoya snickered as she took a sip of her Butterbeer, "That's sort of... cute."

He took her hand from across the table, "I'm sorry for how I've been. I know I say it every time and we end up fighting all over again, but I want you to know that I do want us to work out."

"I'm sorry I said you can't be serious."

He shrugged, "You were right about that bit. I really don't want to fight with you anymore, especially now that we don't get to see one another as often as we use to."

Zoya wanted to bring up the fact that they still haven't talked about how their relationship is changing due to their lives going in separate directions, but she didn't. He looked tired despite how hard he tried to look cheery for her.

And so the two talked about things that happened in the past week of them not seeing one another. She told him of Harry's textbook that had Property of the Half-Blood Prince written on the inside of it.

Fred was disappointed that Zoya decided not to do Quidditch, but was delighted to hear how jealous Hermione got over Lavender Brown thirsting over Ron.

"And this seventh year named Cormac McLaggen has got a thing for Hermione. I can tell she's uncomfortable by it. I hope he gives me a reason to sock him in his face." She said with her mouth stuffed with Treacle Tart.

"McLaggen? I remember him, bad temper, he's got." Fred said, "Be careful around him, Zoya. If you're going to beat him up, at least don't do it alone."

Zoya smiled as she finished off her second Butterbeer, "Things really aren't the same without you and George." She said in a gloomy tone, "I'm a bit bored, to be honest."

"Well, I'm flattered to know all of your entertainment comes from me." He said proudly, "But you shouldn't be relying on me to have a good time, Zoya. What about Ron, Harry, and Hermione?"

She shrugged, "They're my best friends and I love them to death, but they aren't you."

He gave her a cheeky smile, "Just wait for Christmas break."

Zoya eyed her boyfriend curiously, "What have you got planned?"

Before Fred said anything more, his attention was shifted to the door behind Zoya. She noticed that he was no longer looking at her, and when she turned around, she saw Estella standing inside looking frazzled and breathless.

She found the two and quickly walked to them, "I hate to break this up, but Fred, we need you at Margot and Romare's home."

He looked at her worriedly, "Wh-What's wrong? Is my mum all right? What about George?"

She shook her head, "Nobody is dead. But Margot was attacked. Molly wants you at the mansion."

He stood up, and Zoya followed the two outside after Fred left money on the table. Fred turned to her apologetically and gave her a kiss, "I'm so sorry."

"I understand." She said quietly, glancing at Estella.

The two disapparited before her, leaving her standing alone. She sighed and rubbed her forehead tiredly, "So much for that." She mumbled to herself.

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