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The Gryffindor common room was buzzing. Music was blaring and people were dancing, making out, crying, or having normal conversations. Punch was in many people's hands, and there were a few 7th years going around offering to spike people's cups. 

Of course, Zoya didn't turn down their offer. 

"So, you and Ginny did it then?" Zoya asked as she stood up against the wall across from Harry. 

He choked on his punch lightly, "W-What?"

"The book. You hid it?"

He blinked a few times, "Y-Yeah. It's hidden."

She studied his face for a few moments before a sly smile crept up on her face, "What else happened up there?"

He rubbed the back of his neck lightly, "Nothing much..."


"She kissed me."

Zoya smiled brightly at him, "Look at you, Harry."

"And I liked it?"

"Was that a question or a statement?"

Harry shrugged, "A bit of both, I guess. I don't want to make you feel bad but... that kiss made me forget that I ever had an ounce of romantic feelings for you."

"I'm not sure I've got any more feelings to hurt, to be honest." Zoya said as she took a big gulp of her punch, "But I'm happy for you, Harry. You should see where it takes you, you and Ginny."

He gave her a shy smile, "I think I might just do that."

Zoya then visited with Hermione, who was only at the party for about 30 minutes. 

Two hours passed with lots of alcohol, and Zoya was gone. She danced carelessly with her fellow Gryffindor members, laughing loudly and singing along to songs. 

Even Harry and Ron were a little buzzed, to the point that they didn't take note of just how drunk she was. 

As Zoya danced, she was pushed lightly by a few people. She stumbled out of the crowd, blinking a few times. The room was spinning, and so was her head. Memories of the Gryffindor Christmas party swarmed her head, it was the only thing she could think of. Dancing with Fred, completely drunk. 

She ran to the bathroom, the same one that Fred took her to that night. She locked the door and instantly threw up in the toilet, her long hair falling in her face. She groaned as she looked at her hair, some of it having what was in her stomach in it.

She sighed and tried to tie her hair up out of her face, but she threw up again. Her stomach did summersaults, but not in the good way.

 Not in the way when Fred would kiss her or tell her a dirty joke, but in the way where she felt disgusted with herself. She leaned back from the toilet, wanting to throw up all over again when more of her hair had throw up on it.

She remembered the first time she got drunk at a house party. It only happened one other time, the Christmas party. Fred's words echoed in her head after he held back her hair when she got sick, "I'll be there to hold your hair back if it happens again."

But he wasn't. Now, Zoya was crying because nobody was there to hold back her hair when she threw up her insides. 

"Why am I crying over this?" She asked herself, crawling under the sink, just like she did before. 

She got her wand out of her pocket, which was charmed to be able to fit lots of things. She picked up the chunk of hair that had throw up on it, being careful not to actually touch it. 

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