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I cannot stop thinking about you. Sometimes the thought of this being wrong creeps into my mind, but that thought is easily melted away when I think of the nights we spend together. I feel a rush that I've never quite felt before, like I'm flying at 500 miles per hour over an ocean.

I wish I had more to say. I hope knowing that you cloud my thoughts at all hours of the day is enough until we see one another again. When I get back, meet me behind the old Muggle mall at 7. I'll wait for you.


But he was never hers. But part of Althena wanted to pretend, just for a moment, that she had all of him.

"Reading letters won't bring him back." Mad-Eye said as he walked into the kitchen.

"It's a nice escape." Althena quietly replied, tapping the ash off of her cigarette.

By now, most of the Order figured out that Sirius and Althena had something going on during their younger years, but they didn't ask about it. She toyed with the thin gold necklace around her neck as she stared down at the letter he wrote her, it was the last letter he wrote before he split things off with her and went back to Diana.

He wrote to her again when he was out of Azkaban, all leading up to when they saw one another again.

All she wanted to do was hold him. Or fell his hand on her shoulder, or hand, or even have him in sight. And now, all she had left of him was just his memory.

Sometimes, when she was alone with her thoughts at night, she liked to play back the hot summer nights she shared with him years ago in her mind like a film. Rewind the tape, over and over, until reality came back.

Althena thought she had experienced the worst pain of her life when she lost her sister, thinking that nothing else could hurt as bad as that did. But she was wrong, horribly wrong.

A crimson flask was sat in front of her. She looked up at Romare St. Claire, "What's this?"

"A little concoction of mine. In case you didn't know, I was wickedly talented in Potions. Could give Snape a run for his money if I decided to teach at Hogwarts. Anyways, it's blood, safe to drink for Vampires... but with a twist."

She stared up at him, "Are you going to tell me the twist or?...."

"It's alcoholic blood. I don't know what he exactly did to it, though. Drink at your own risk." Margot St. Claire said as she walked past her husband into the kitchen.

Maxwell Monroe walked in shortly after, taking a seat across the table from Althena. Margot sat a cup of tea in front of him, and he gave her a quite thank you.

"I appreciate the gesture, but I'd rather get through this without getting drunk." Althena said.

"Suit yourself." He replied, taking the flask away, "Anyone else want it?"

"What would we do with that?" Mad-Eye asked.

He shrugged as he opened it, giving it a light sniff. He took the smallest sip before his face scrunched up in disgust, "Ugh, Althena, I don't know how you drink blood."

"It's almost like my biology changed after being bitten, Romare." Althena said a bit harsher than intended.

She gathered the letters in front of her and carefully stacked them on top of one another, putting the last one face down so that nobody could read the contents of them.

"Have you gone to see her?" Margot asked.

"Went over there yesterday." Althena replied, "Molly says she hasn't left her bedroom at all."

"It's been over a month." Margot sighed, "She's going to waste away in there."

"Remus tried to get her to talk, but she wouldn't even look at him. I honestly think she should just be left alone." Althena said.

Margot and Romare eyed the Vampire worriedly, "And how long will you allow it to go on for?" Romare asked.

Althena gathered her letters and stood up, "For as long as I wish." She replied, walking out of the kitchen.

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