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"It's nice."

"That's it?"

"What else do you want me to say, Fred?"

Zoya and Fred stood in his new flat above Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes, Fred and George's Joke Shop that was due to open any day now.

The two had been walking on eggshells all summer. He wasn't around much due to the shop, and Zoya's parents wanted her home. It took a great deal of convincing for them to allow her to stay at the Burrow for the rest of the summer and to even go back to Hogwarts.

"Why are you acting like this?"

Zoya narrowed her eyes, "What do you mean?"

"You don't seem to care!" Fred exclaimed, "About the Joke Shop, or about the fact that my dream is finally coming true. Feels like you've been avoiding me."

Zoya scoffed, "Me avoiding you? You're the one who has been skipping out on breakfast and dinners at the Burrow, and when I come up here, all you do is work and you don't pay any mind to me!"

"I'm working, Zoya!"

"If George can make it to the Burrow for breakfast and dinner, there is no excuse for you not to. I don't expect you to drop everything and take me to France but I do expect you to stop acting like you're merely tolerating me." Zoya said with her voice raised.

Fred scoffed with frustrated smile, "You're out of your mind. You're so scared of me slipping through your hands, aren't you? I can see it in your eyes."

"I'm not out of my mind for being concerned for our relationship now that you're off living your life and I'll be going back to Hogwarts."

"I said I'll visit you!" Fred shot back, "Do you have that little faith in me?"

She shook her head and backed up, "Don't make this look like it's all my fault. I understand that this is important and you're stressed and busy, but you won't even give me five minutes to help you through it. I'm starting to feel stupid and unwelcome for even coming up here with food and dressed in a sundress to get you to notice me. If you don't want this then just tell me now, the longer you're like this the more pathetic I feel."

Fred quickly took her hand, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, alright? I want to be with you. You're right, I'm stressed and–"

"Tired." Zoya interjected, bringing her face up to his cheek softly. They locked eyes for a few seconds, and Zoya removed her hand. She walked away from him to the fireplace, taking out a hand-full of Floo Powder from her bag, "Get some rest."

Zoya appeared in the fireplace back at the Burrow. She walked out of it and dusted herself off, and wiping her tears away. She turned and saw Harry, Ron, Hermione, Ginny, and Molly all staring at her.

"Zoya." Harry said.

"Harry..." She started, "What are you doing here?"


She nodded stiffly and Molly looked at her sadly, "How are things?"

She sighed, "Oh, you know your son. Doesn't want to admit that things are changing between us, and maybe not for the better."

Molly walked to her and gave her a tight, yet tender hug, "Oh, darling. I'm so sorry." She cooed as more tears rolled down her face.

The two pulled apart and Zoya sniffed, "I'm hoping things will get better once the shop opens and he adjusts but... I can't get rid of the feeling that it's not going to end well."

Molly gave her a handkerchief, "Whatever happens, you'll always have a place in this home."

Zoya gave her a tight smile and then looked at the other four, "Sorry, I don't mean to ruin the mood." She quietly said. They only gave her an apologetic look, "Has she come out yet?"

"I keep forgetting she's here. Haven't seen her a bit." Ron said.

Due to coming and going of members of the Order, Aurora was moved from 12 Grimmauld Place to the Burrow. Everyone collectively agreed that it was smart for her not to be left alone in a house. Since Molly was usually home, she would watch over her. She took up Percy's old bedroom, which Molly had remodeled slightly.

Despite the view it had overlooking the garden, the room was always dark. The only people that had seen her were Althena, Remus, and Molly. Molly checked on her multiple times a day, mainly to check if she was still breathing. She would place a bowl of food and announce it, and sometimes when she came back, the bowl would be empty.

Remus and Tonks often visited, but Tonks figured it was better for him to go in rather than her. He would sit on the edge of the bed and speak only briefly, unsure if she was even awake and listening.

As for Althena, she visited once every other week, if even. When she would visit, Molly would scold her for how rarely she comes to see Aurora, reminding her that she was all Aurora had left of family. Althena would remind her of Remus being her godfather and Lavinia Black being alive and well, and Molly would put her hands on her hips saying, that's not the same, you know it's not the same.

After their usual argument and things calmed down, Molly would scold Althena for trying to smoke inside, saying that do what you want over there, but you play by my rules when we're here.

Molly did care for Althena, but she didn't like her very much.

By now, Zoya was with Harry, Hermione, and Ron in Ron's bedroom. She was dressed in her pijama's while braiding her long hair in Ron's dusty mirror. Harry stole a few glances at her as he spoke with the other two, taking note of her bleak expression.

When she finished her braid, Zoya sat in between Ron and Hermione on his floor.

"There's, been a lot of talk recently that Dumbledore's got a bit old." Hermione said.

"Rubbish. Well, he's only– what is he?" Harry asked. Everyone was silent, Zoya not counting due to the fact that she hadn't said a single word since they went to Ron's bedroom.

"Hundred and fifty? Give or take a few years." Ron replied before he, Harry, and Hermione all erupted in laughter.

Zoya gave no reaction, and her eyes were glued to the window in front of her that Hedwig was sitting in front of. Just a few weeks before, her own OWL, Frithuswith, had passed away and she never got another one.


She looked back to the three, who were looking at her eagerly, "What?"

"You're going to the Joke Shop grand opening, right?" Hermione asked.

She nodded, "Of course I am, why wouldn't I?"

They all glanced at one another, "Just wondering..." Hermione replied.

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