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Margot carefully took a sip of tea as Romare sat beside her in a chair by their bed. She glanced over at him, "You don't need to sit here and stare at me. I'm not going to die from drinking tea."

"I know. It's just..."

"I almost died, yeah, I'm aware." She said.

Both of Margot's hands were bandaged up. She had a bruise on her right cheekbone, and her skin was more pale than usual. The real pain was in her ribs, turns out she broke a few when she fell through the ceiling. 

To her relief, her wand managed to make it through the fire. It was retrieved by her brother the day after everything happened. 

"He volunteered himself to guard Fred and George's shop. He'll be doing things in the back, but his main purpose is to protect the shop and everyone in it in case something happens. Althena and Aurora also volunteered."

Margot nearly choked on her tea, "Maxwell hates loud places!"

"I know. But we both know how protective he is. Especially over young people who have their entire lives ahead of them."

"At least he's doing something, maybe it'll be good for him. And Althena? I'm shocked, honestly."

He nodded, "You and me both."

The two were silent for a few moments. Romare watched as she took a careful sip of her tea, "Something else is bothering you." Margot said without having to look at her. 

"I hired Flynn Miabello to be a spy."

Margot looked at him, "Romare..."

"I know it's foolish. But the Order doesn't know and if the Dark Lord finds out and looks into Flynn's mind, he won't find anything useful other than the deal we made. We can't just leave Sayaka there."

Margot put her tea down, "I know her father and you were close but... how do you know she isn't siding with him as well? She might've taken after her mother."

He shook his head, "No. But then again... she doesn't know that Morana killed Kazuki. Regardless, we need to get her out."

"Why don't you bring it up to the Order? That's what they're there for."

"I don't know if they'd want to put their energy into a Slytherin pure-blood who's connected to the Dark Lord and has a Death Eater for a mother."

"That's exactly the type of thing they'd put their energy in. And don't say Slytherin pure-blood with so much distain, you're one."

He sighed as he traced his finger over her forearm, "Maybe you're right."

"I know I'm right."

The next two weeks dragged on. Maxwell worked in the back of the Joke Shop, doing inventory and taking care of paperwork. To everyone's surprise, he seemed to enjoy it. He rejected any money the twins tried to give him, even though they knew he had more money than he needed. 

Althena didn't do any actual work. She mostly lingered around the store, but she would lend a hand when heavy things needed to be carried. 

As for Aurora, she worked as a saleswoman. She was worried that the twins would lose business because of the reputation attached to her name, but to her surprise, everyone that came into the shop didn't seem to care. 

As days got colder, Aurora, Fred, George, and Estella would often end the day with a hot cup of Butterbeer or homemade hot coco that Estella would bring. 

"So, Aurora, you've inherited quite a lot. Any idea of what you're gonna do with it?" Fred asked as the four sat inside of the main office on the top floor.

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