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Zoya sat in front of Hermione and Harry picking at her food lazily. Harry, along with the rest of the Quidditch team, was dressed in their uniform jumpers.

Ron walked to them and sat beside Zoya as people taunted him. He looked down at his plate, which had four pieces of toast circling a perfectly cooked sunny side up egg.

"So how was it, then?" Ron asked the three.

Hermione put the newspaper she was reading down and looked at him, "How was what?"

"Your dinner party?"

Hermione glanced at Zoya and Harry, "Pretty boring, actually. Slughorn's having a Christmas do, you know. And we're meant to bring someone."

"I expect you'll be bringing McLaggen. He's in the Slug Clun, isn't he?" Ron asked.

Hermione stared at him, "Actually, I was going to ask you."


"Who are you asking, Zoya?" Harry questioned.

She shrugged, "No one, most likely. I'd be lying if I said my group of friends extended past you three."

Lavender Brown walked up to Ron. He slowly glanced up at her, "Good luck today, Ron. I know you'll be brilliant." She beamed before walking away.

Ron leant forward, "I'm resigning. After today's match, McLaggen can have my spot. Or Zoya, if she decides to come out of retirement."

Harry pushed a cup towards Ron, "Have it your way. Juice?"

Ron took the cup as everyone slowly shifted their attention to Luna, who was sat beside Zoya with a large lion hat on, "Hello, everyone." Luna said before leaning past Zoya, "You look dreadful, Ron. Is that why you put something in his cup? Is it a tonic?" She asked as Ron slowly looked at Harry.

Harry put a small bottle in his pocket, making sure Ron could see, "Liquid luck." Hermione said. Ron lifted the cup to drink as Hermione gasped, "Don't drink it, Ron!"

Zoya looked at Harry, who had a small smile on his face.

Ron took a sip of the drink, "You could be expelled for that!" Hermione exclaimed.

Hermione glared at Harry, "I don't know what you're talking about." Harry smugly said.

Ron smiled brightly, "Come on, Harry, we've got a game to win!"

He reached over the table and the two shook hands firmly, standing up. Zoya also stood up and followed the two out of the Great Hall.


He turned to her as Ron continued to walk away proudly. He walked to her, "Yeah?"

"You didn't actually..."

He shook his head with that same proud smile, "No. But I reckon it might boost his confidence thinking he's taken it."

Zoya matched his smile, "That's actually brilliant, Harry." She said with a light chuckle, "Good luck. I know you guys will do great."

"Be better if you were with us."

She shook her head and took a few steps back, "See you after the game."

The game went brilliant, as expected. Ron hit back every bludger, and the Slytherin team was demolished. By the end of the game, everyone was chanting Weasley.

Zoya didn't tell Hermione about the potion. She found it funny how every time Ron would hit back a bludger and the crowd would cheer, Hermione would only smile and shake her head.

After the game, a large party was thrown in the Gryffindor common room, celebrating the win and Ron. Ron was standing on top of a table as Zoya and Harry watched him with smiles.

Hermione walked up to the three, "You really shouldn't have done it."

"I know. I suppose I could have just used a Confundus Charm." Harry replied, looking at Hermione as her eyes went wide.

She looked at him guiltily, "That was different. That was tryouts. This was an actual game." She said. Harry reached into the pocket of his blue flannel, holding up the full vial of Liquid Luck that Slughorn gave him. Hermione sighed, "You didn't put it in. Ron only thought you did."

Harry nodded as Hermione glanced at Zoya, "Did you know?"

She nodded, "Harry isn't good at hiding his smugness."

The three shifted their attention to Ron again. He was pulled off of the table by Lavender, and she pulled him in for a big kiss.

Harry laughed at it, and Zoya instantly turned to Hermione, who was already walking away through the crowds. She followed her out, finding her at the end of a spiral staircase.

Hermione turned to Zoya as she walked down the stairs, "Practicing charms." She said as Zoya looked at the birds that were flying around her. She walked down the steps and sat next to her, "Now I know how it feels." Hermione sniffled, "During our fourth year, when you liked Viktor Krum and you had to watch him be with me."

"I think this is different, Hermione. I only thought he was good looking."

She wiped her nose lightly, "It hurts. I-I don't know how to explain it and it probably doesn't even make sense-"

"It makes sense." Zoya said, "Believe me, I know."

Ron and Lavender ran into the room with giggles echoing. They stopped when they found the two, "I think this room is taken." Lavender said, smiling at Hermione's expression, "Come on." She said, running out of the room.

"What's with the birds?" Ron asked.

Hermione stood up as the birds circled above her head. The birds them shot towards Ron, and he ran to a wall and ducked before they could attack. Each of them ran into the wooden wall he was by, turning into feathers.

She stared at him as he slowly backed out of the room, leaving the two alone once again. She walked up the stairs past Zoya, "I'm gonna just go to bed." She said, leaving Zoya alone.

Harry walked down the steps and sat next to her only a few minutes later.

"Don't ever get your heart broken, Harry. You might be better off just being alone forever." She said, looking down at her feet.

He sighed and leant up against the pillar he was beside, "Fred was a fool to break up with you, you know."

She smiled lightly as she looked at the wall ahead of her, feeling the light breeze coming from the open door near them, "I was a fool for falling in love with him. He's always had his head in the stars, there's no bringing him down. That's what makes him so brilliant. That's what drew me to him in the first place, I think. Made me feel like I was soaring through the stars."

"Maybe now, you need someone to keep your feet on the ground."

"I don't really know what I need."

He leant up from the pillar and quickly cupped her face with his hand, bringing her in for a kiss. To both of their shock, she didn't pull away. She leant into his touch as his hand moved from her cheek to the back of her neck, hand running through her long black hair.

She pulled away after almost a minute, breathless and wide-eyed. He searched her eyes for her reaction, "W-Was that?... I'm sorry, I–I shouldn't have done that."

She shook her head, "No no, don't apologize." She quietly said, minding racing as she absentmindedly touched her lips. She stood up, "I need some air." She said, walking outside through the perched open door by them.

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