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As weeks went on at Hogwarts, Zoya heard less and less from Fred. He only met her at Hogwarts 2 times after their first meeting, and she received one letter every other week that was always shorter than the last.

She heard more from George than her own boyfriend, the only way she actually knew what was going on was through George. It was now the first week of November, and snow was pouring down from the sky as she followed her three best-friends down a snow-covered walkway in the scarf Fred gave her during her fourth year at the second Triwizard Task.

"For weeks you carry about this book. You practically sleep with it, and yet you have no desire to find out who the Half Blood Prince is?" Hermione asked Harry, referring to his potions textbook.

"I didn't say I wasn't curious, and I don't sleep with it." Harry defended.

"Well that's true. I like a nice chat before I go to bed. Now all you do is read that bloody book. It's just like being with Hermione." Ron said.

Hermione shot Ron a glare, "Well, I was curious, so I went to..."

"The library." The three finished for Hermione, "And?" Harry asked.

"And nothing. I couldn't find a reference anywhere to a Half Blood Prince."

"There you go, that settles it then." Harry said.

The four stopped their conversation when they saw Professor Flitwick and Slughorn speaking to one another as they patched each other.

"Filius! I was hoping to find you in the three Broomsticks." Slughorn said to him.

"Ah, no, emergency choir practice I'm afraid, Horace." Flitwick stuttered out as he walked past Slughorn and eventually the four.

Once Flitwick was past them, Harry spoke up, " Does anyone fancy a butter beer?"

The four walked down to Hogsmeade and into Three Broomsticks. However, Zoya's plans to spy on Slughorn with her plans quickly changed when she saw Fred sealing up a letter across the room from her.

Her breath hitched, "What's he doing here?" Hermione asked.

Zoya absentmindedly walked to him and tapped his shoulder. He turned around and his eyes widened, "Zoya. I-I was just getting ready to send you an owl asking you here." He said, holding up the letter he had just sealed up.

He said hello to the other three, and Fred asked if he could speak to her alone. The two walked upstairs and he ordered Zoya butter beer, but nothing for himself.

"You look tired." Zoya commented.

"Yeah. Things have been busy." He said.

She fiddled with her fingers and Fred avoided eye contact, "'M sorry I haven't been writing and not showing up to Hogsmeade as I said I would..."

"Don't give me another excuse." Zoya said, "George writes to me consistently. Feels like that's the only way I know what's going on with you anymore."

"I know and I–" He sighed as he ran his fingers through his flaming hair, "You're right. Things are changing and our relationship just isn't the way it was when I was still at Hogwarts."

"That doesn't mean we can't work things out." Zoya quickly said, not liking where the conversation was headed.

He still didn't look at her as he shook his head, "No."


"We're holding each other down. You need to be focused on your studies and I with the shop. Hardly seeing one another is not doing us any good."

"And who's fault is that?" Zoya snapped as tears brimmed her eyes, "You said we'd be fine. You said you'd visit me every weekend and write to me. You said I had no faith in our relationship."

Fred sighed, "I know and I'm sorry. I've thought about it a lot and believe me this wasn't an easy decision."

Zoya could tell by the look on Fred's face that he wasn't going back, "You really want this?" She quietly asked, her words barely loud enough for him to hear.

He went silent. Zoya wiped a tear away, "I want you to know that I don't want this. At all."

"It'll be better in the long run. Maybe you'll find someone here. Someone better."

She let out a small breathy laugh, "Good Godric, Fred, you... that's bold. Things will be better and I'll just find someone else. In case it hasn't occurred to you, you are the better person I found."

"Please don't make this harder than it already is, Zoya. I want us to stay friends."

Zoya got up from her seat and walked downstairs, walking out of the building and into the cold air. Hot tears were now streaming down her face, creating a stark contrast from the snow falling on her.

Fred followed her out, "Zoya..."

"If you think things are just going to go back to how they were, you're delusional, Fred. How am I supposed to look at you and be around you now that this is happening?" She asked as her voice broke, "I can't help if you've fallen out of love with me but–"

"I still love you."

She shook her head and turned away from Fred, taking a deep breath, "Don't say that. Please. It's only making it worse."

"I don't want you to think I don't love you, Zoya. I do. I always will."

She felt a hand on her shoulder, a touch that she knew all too well.

Zoya turned around and took off her scarf before putting it around Fred's bare neck, "Why are you giving me this?" He asked.

"It's yours." She replied quietly.

"Zoya, don't be like that, keep it." He said. She shook her head and walked away from him as he watched, "Don't you want to talk about this more?" He called out.

She stopped and turned around to him, her face red, "There's nothing else to talk about. We're done."

"I-" Fred tried to speak, but nothing came out.

Zoya turned back around, and made her way back to Hogwarts with quiet sobs. She passed small groups of students, a few even asking what's wrong, but she didn't reply.

When Zoya got back to her dorm room, she stripped out of her clothes and into sweatpants and one of Fred's sweaters. She got into bed and covered herself with blankets, her sobs uncontrollable.

She felt more alone than ever. More cold. Even though Fred was distant from her ever since summer, she still a warmth in her chest knowing that they were still together. And now, that was gone.

Now, every time she would see him, she would be reminded of what they had. She would be reminded of his teasing while she was studying, their Hogsmeade dates, cuddling in the Gryffindor common room and at the Burrow, sneaking off to the kitchens at night, and Fred's whispers of sweet nothings in her ear during meals.

Now, she knew from now on, when she would walk into a room that he would be in, he would no longer get up and greet her with a hug and a kiss. He would no longer pull her into his arms regardless of who was around. They would have to just be friends. But that word, when it came to him, now had a different meaning.

Zoya didn't know how long she was her dorm room crying for. When Hermione walked in and Zoya turned her head to see who was walking in, Hermione almost started to cry with her.

She didn't have to ask Zoya what happened to know. She sighed and sat on the bed, pulling Zoya up into a hug.

"I'm sorry." She mumble.

"I hate him!"

"No you don't."

Zoya cried even harder, if possible, "You're right."

"Are you coming to dinner?"

She laid back down, "No."

"Want me to bring you anything?"


Hermione would have protested, but she figured it was best to leave her alone.

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