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November 18.

Aurora sat in a small cafe in Diagon Alley with a cupcake in front of her. It was the same cafe her and Augustus would eat at when she would come home from being abroad at school.

Took a bite of the lemon-raspberry cupcake, his favorite one that the cafe made. It didn't take long for her to finish off the cupcake, and now, she just sat by the window sipping a cappuccino looking out at the dark sky.

As she did so, Aurora caught a glimpse of familiar fiery red hair passing by. He just happened to look in her direction, and George stopped in his tracks to wave at her with a giddy smile.

She gave him a small wave and he held up a letter before pointing in the direction of the OWL post-office. He ran down Diagon Alley, and a few minutes later, he came rushing into the cafe.

He plopped down in front of her with a smile that was a sight for sore eyes, "Hi."


He was quick to notice her sad state, "What's wrong?"

"Today was his birthday, Augustus." She said quietly, "We always came to this cafe. I got a cupcake in his honor." She said, "That sounds pathetic now that I say it out loud."

"It's not pathetic." He replied. She finished off her cappuccino, "I have an idea." He said.

"What might that be?"

"Let's bake a cake for him! Get candles and everything. There's a little shop not far that should still be open." He said, "Birthday's should always be celebrated with happiness and smiles, regardless if the person is alive or not. I don't think Augustus would want you here sulking on his birthday."

Aurora smiled as she looked down at her empty plate, "I think you might be right. Let's do it."

The two got up after Aurora left money on the table. They ran down Diagon Alley to the small grocery store, trying to escape the cold. The store was packed with food and various other trinkets.

The two then realized that they had never baked a cake, and had no idea what ingredients to get.

"I think we could have done a better job thinking this over."

"I agree." Aurora replied as they walked down the baking isle, "For Merlin's sake, this is a bloody grocery store for magical people. One would think you could just find a recipe with the snap of a finger."

George snapped his fingers as Aurora slowly looked at him. He shrugged, "Worth a shot." He said before he took her hand, "I'm brilliant!" He exclaimed, pulling her out of the store.

The two ran to a bookshop nearby that was getting better business now that Margot's shop was destroyed. The two ran in and dodged a flying book as the salesman apologized.

The shop was fairly small as George led her through the shelves, "Mum used to come here all the time for her cookbooks since they're always at a discount."

They stopped by a small shelf with various cookbooks. They searched the shelf and George yelped and pulled back when a book tried to bite him. Aurora found a dessert book, opening up. The pictures of the desserts were moving as she flipped through the book, finding a recipe for an orange and chocolate cake.

"This sounds good." She said, holding the book out so he could see.

"Sounds good to me."

George insisted on buying the book. Afterwards, they ran back to the store and got all of the ingredients in the recipe. The two then apparited to George's flat, where they found Fred writing a letter.

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