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Owl's flooded the Great Hall during breakfast time, dropping letters to students. A letter dropped in front of Zoya, to her surprise.

"Who's that from?" Hermione asked as Zoya stared down at the letter.

She slowly sat down on her bed in her deep blue dress, "Fred."


She quickly opened the letter, her heart racing. Multiple parchments of paper came out, and Zoya wasted no time in reading all of them as Hermione, Harry, and Ron watched her eagerly.

"Well? What did he say?"

She closed the last parchment, "He wants to see me again. Not like a date but... long story short, he misses me."

"What are you going to say back?" Harry asked her.

"I'm going to invite him to my birthday party. Regardless of what terms we're on, I'd hate to have him not be there." She replied, tucking the parchment back into the envelope with a small smile.

Later that day, Zoya and Hermione sat in the library together studying for an upcoming potions test.

"That letter Fred sent to you..." She started, "What about Harry?"

"What about him?" Zoya asked, "I told him I didn't have feelings for him and that it would be wrong of me to lead him on. He knows."

"Do you think you guys will get back together?"

Zoya shrugged, "Don't know, but the letter he sent gives me room for hope. Maybe we can work things out over Christmas break."

"He's coming to your birthday party?"

"I imagine so. I wrote back to him asking him to be there, though I sort of think he would have showed up with or without an invitation." Zoya replied before letting out a light sigh, "Fred seemed so sure of us breaking up, but now his letter leads me to believe he's regretting his choice."

"Isn't that how it usually goes?" Hermione asked.

"No clue." Zoya answered before going quiet.

Hermione looked at her sympathetically, "You really do miss him, don't you?"

She nodded lightly, "Stupidly so. Enough about me, what are you going to do to get Ron?"

Her eyes shot to Zoya, "What do you mean? He's with Lavender. He's happy."

"He'd be happier with you though."

Hermione shook her head, "No. It-It would be very wrong of me to come in between them. If he's happy with her then, it would be selfish of me to try and destroy that."

"Suit yourself." She said, "I find it so funny though... two years ago at the Yule Ball, Ron was so incredibly jealous of you and Krum."

"I think he was jealous that Ron didn't go with Krum, not the other way around." She said with a small smile, "And he was also mad about you and Fred. Don't forget that part."

"He was just mad because it was his brother, out of all the people. I think right now Ron is just enjoying the thrill of being popular and having a girl to go–"

"Please, don't finish that sentence." Hermione said, eyes closed and face scrunched up in disgust. 

im so sorry this chapter is short– 

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