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The morning when Zoya was set to go back to Hogwarts with Harry, Hermione, and Ron, Molly made up a large breakfast. Fred and George came to the Burrow, along with Althena, Margot, Maxwell, and Romare. 

They sat in the kitchen, sipping tea awkwardly as Zoya and Fred argued outside. 

"So... how often does this happen?" Romare asked, breaking the silence. 

"I reckon those two argue every-time they see one another, now." Molly worriedly said, "Poor kids, their lives are changing faster than they can process."

"I think Zoya has processed it. Fred, however, has not." George chimed in quietly. 

"What's it like when she visits your flat?" Hermione asked. 

George shrugged, "I don't always stick around. But for the most part they're quiet. I reckon they save the arguing for when I'm not there. They've made up after every argument, though..."

"Have they made up or have they ignored it?" Althena asked.

George avoided eye contact, "Dunno..." He trailed off before glancing up, "So... how has Aurora been?"

"Althena wouldn't know." Molly commented, shooting a glare at her. Althena ignored her comment. Molly poured herself another cup of tea, "I reckon she leaves her room during the early hours of the morning and late at night."

"None of us have seen her leave her." Ginny chimed in.

"I'll be honest, I go in there so often just to make sure she hasn't... well, you know." Molly lowly said, "I think if I could just get her out out bed... the Joke Shop could cheer her up."

"Or it could just trigger old memories." Margot worriedly added in, "With all due respect, it is a bit loud and chaotic in there. It might not settle well with her. I understand it's not my place to say anything but, I think just taking her on walks outside and to quiet cafés and bookshops would be a smarter idea."

"Your opinion is valued, Margot." Molly kindly said, "And I think you might be right."

The door swung open abruptly, making Maxwell jolt slightly. Fred stormed in with a huff, pouring tea by the kitchen counter. 

"So..." Ron started, "Is it all rainbows in sunshine?"

"Shut it." He grumbled, "I don't understand her! One moment she's saying it's all okay and the next she's saying that we need to have a serious conversation about our relationship!"

"I reckon the reason why you can't see why I'm trying to have a conversation with you about us is because you've never been serious a day in your life!" Zoya snapped at him as she walked inside. 

Romare raised his eyebrows and took a sip of his tea.

"If you two are going to argue, take it back outside!" Molly scolded to the two. 

Fred huffed and walked back outside, but Zoya didn't follow him. She sat down between Hermione and Margot, "Men." She grumbled. 

"Oh, I agree, darling." Margot said as Romare looked at her quizzically.

"What did I do?" He asked. 

"Nothing." She mused, putting butter on a piece of toast. 

Zoya turned her head to the window, seeing that Fred was gone. She figured he disapparated to his flat, "He just won't listen." Zoya said a bit calmer, "All I want to do is sit down with him and talk and he turns it into an argument. He thinks I'm trying to create problems but..." She said a bit helplessly, "That's not what I'm trying to do here."

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